A Mastodon bot to post a feed of articles from The Verge - @the_verge@mastodon.social
NOTE: The Verge has started their own official Mastodon, located at @verge@mastodon.social. All followers of the account linked above (@the_verge
) are now following the new account, courtesy of the Mastodon team.
NOTE: The Docker Compose file is located at docker-compose.example.yml
in the root directory. If you want to run the bot using Docker Compose, refer to that file.
Run the Docker container (remove the -d flag to run in the foreground)
docker run -d --env ACCESS_TOKEN=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN INSTANCE_URL=https://your-instance.url --name verge-mastodon-bot ghcr.io/milanmdev/verge-mastodon-bot
- Clone the repository
git clone github.com/milanmdev/verge-mastodon-bot
- Install the dependencies
yarn install
- Create a
file in the root directory of the project and add the following environment variables:
- Run the bot
yarn start