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Merge pull request #1252 from joroKr21/ctor-dtor
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Replace CtorDtor with simplified FromTo
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joroKr21 authored Mar 23, 2022
2 parents 93c1c77 + 6bfdef3 commit afa492d
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 96 deletions.
172 changes: 85 additions & 87 deletions core/src/main/scala/shapeless/generic.scala
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Expand Up @@ -502,10 +502,12 @@ trait CaseClassMacros extends ReprTypes with CaseClassMacrosVersionSpecifics {

def nameOf(tpe: Type) =

def mkHListValue(elems: List[Tree]): Tree =
elems.foldRight(q"_root_.shapeless.HNil": Tree) {
case (elem, acc) => q"_root_.shapeless.::($elem, $acc)"
def mkHListValue(elems: List[Tree]): Tree = {
val cons = objectRef[::.type]
elems.foldRight(objectRef[HNil.type]) {
case (elem, acc) => q"$cons($elem, $acc)"

* Fold `items` into a type using `cons` as a type constructor.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -937,110 +939,110 @@ trait CaseClassMacros extends ReprTypes with CaseClassMacrosVersionSpecifics {

@deprecated("Use CtorDtor.fromTo instead", "2.3.9")
trait CtorDtor {
def construct(args: List[Tree]): Tree
def binding: (Tree, List[Tree])
def reprBinding: (Tree, List[Tree])

object CtorDtor {
def apply(tpe: Type): CtorDtor = {
val sym = tpe.typeSymbol
val isCaseClass = sym.asClass.isCaseClass

val repWCard = Star(Ident(termNames.WILDCARD)) // like pq"_*" except that it does work

def narrow(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree =
tpe match {
case ConstantType(c) =>
case _ =>
@deprecated("Use CtorDtor.fromTo instead", "2.3.9")
def apply(tpe: Type): CtorDtor = new CtorDtor {
private[this] val (from, to) =
fromTo(tpe, TypeTree(tpe))
private[this] val (funs, argss) =
from.body.collect { case Apply(fun, args) => (fun, args) }.reverse.unzip
def construct(args: List[Tree]): Tree =
funs.headOption.fold(from.body)(ctr => q"$ctr(...${args :: argss.drop(1)})")
val binding: (Tree, List[Tree]) =
(from.pat, argss.headOption.getOrElse(Nil))
val reprBinding: (Tree, List[Tree]) =
(to.pat, to.body.collect { case Apply(_, List(arg, _*)) => arg })

def narrow1(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree =
q"$tree: _*"
narrow(tree, tpe)

def mkCtorDtor0(elems0: List[(TermName, Type)]) = {
val elems = { case (_, tpe) => (c.freshName(TermName("pat")), tpe) }
val pattern = pq"${companionRef(tpe)}(..${ { case (binder, tpe) => if(isVararg(tpe)) pq"$binder @ $repWCard" else pq"$binder"}})"
val reprPattern =
elems.foldRight(q"_root_.shapeless.HNil": Tree) {
case ((bound, _), acc) => pq"_root_.shapeless.::($bound, $acc)"
val nonCaseParamLists: List[List[Tree]] = List.fill(numNonCaseParamLists(tpe))(Nil)
new CtorDtor {
def construct(args: List[Tree]): Tree = q"${companionRef(tpe)}[..${tpe.typeArgs}](...${args :: nonCaseParamLists})"
def binding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (pattern, { case (binder, tpe) => narrow(q"$binder", tpe) })
def reprBinding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (reprPattern, { case (binder, tpe) => narrow1(q"$binder", tpe) })
final def fromTo(tpe: Type, reprTpt: Tree): (CaseDef, CaseDef) = {
import c.internal.gen

val wildcard = Ident(termNames.WILDCARD)
// like pq"_*" except that it does work
val repWCard = Star(wildcard)

def narrow(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree = tpe match {
case ConstantType(c) => q"$c.asInstanceOf[$tpe]"
case _ => tree

def mkCtorDtor1(elems: List[(TermName, TermName, Type)], pattern: Tree, rhs: List[Tree]) = {
val reprPattern =
elems.foldRight(q"_root_.shapeless.HNil": Tree) {
case ((bound, _, _), acc) => pq"_root_.shapeless.::($bound, $acc)"
new CtorDtor {
def construct(args: List[Tree]): Tree = q"new $tpe(..$args)"
def binding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (pattern, rhs)
def reprBinding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (reprPattern, { case (binder, _, tpe) => narrow1(q"$binder", tpe) })
def const(tree: Tree): CaseDef =
cq"_ => $tree"

def mkHListPattern(elems: List[TermName]): Tree = {
val cons = objectRef[::.type]
elems.foldRight(objectRef[HNil.type]) {
case (elem, acc) => pq"$cons($elem, $acc)"

def from(fields: List[(TermName, Type)])(construct: List[Tree] => Tree): CaseDef = {
val (pats, args) = { case (field, tpe) =>
val pat = c.freshName(field)
(pat, if (isVararg(tpe)) q"$pat: _*" else narrow(q"$pat", tpe))
cq"${mkHListPattern(pats)} => ${construct(args)}"

def to(pattern: Tree, args: List[Tree]): CaseDef =
cq"$pattern => ${mkHListValue(args)}.asInstanceOf[$reprTpt]"

def fromApply(fields: List[(TermName, Type)]): CaseDef = from(fields) { args =>
val nonCaseArgs = List.fill(numNonCaseParamLists(tpe))(List.empty[Tree])

def fromConstructor(fields: List[(TermName, Type)]): CaseDef =
from(fields)(args => q"new $tpe(..$args)")

def toUnapply(fields: List[(TermName, Type)]): CaseDef = {
val (pats, args) = { case (field, tpe) =>
val pat = c.freshName(field)
(Bind(pat, if (isVararg(tpe)) repWCard else wildcard), narrow(Ident(pat), tpe))
to(pq"${companionRef(tpe)}(..$pats)", args)

def toGetters(fields: List[(TermName, Type)]): CaseDef = {
val pattern = c.freshName(TermName("x"))
to(pq"$pattern", { case (field, tpe) => narrow(q"$pattern.$field", tpe) })

lowerKind(tpe) match {
// case 1: Unit
case tpe if tpe =:= typeOf[Unit] =>
new CtorDtor {
def construct(args: List[Tree]): Tree = q"()"
def binding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (pq"()", Nil)
def reprBinding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (pq"_root_.shapeless.HNil", Nil)

(const(q"()"), const(objectRef[HNil.type]))
// case 2: singleton
case tpe if isCaseObjectLike(tpe.typeSymbol.asClass) =>
val singleton =
tpe match {
case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
c.internal.gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym)
case TypeRef(pre, sym, List()) if sym.isModule =>
c.internal.gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym.asModule)
case TypeRef(pre, sym, List()) if sym.isModuleClass =>
c.internal.gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym.asClass.module)
case _ =>
abort(s"Bad case object-like type $tpe")
new CtorDtor {
def construct(args: List[Tree]): Tree = q"$singleton: $tpe"
def binding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (pq"_: $tpe", Nil)
def reprBinding: (Tree, List[Tree]) = (pq"_root_.shapeless.HNil", Nil)
val singleton = tpe match {
case SingleType(pre, sym) => gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym)
case TypeRef(pre, sym, Nil) if sym.isModule => gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym.asModule)
case TypeRef(pre, sym, Nil) if sym.isModuleClass => gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym.asClass.module)
case _ => abort(s"Bad case object-like type $tpe")

(const(singleton), const(objectRef[HNil.type]))
// case 3: case class
case tpe if isCaseClass => mkCtorDtor0(fieldsOf(tpe))

case tpe if tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass =>
val fields = fieldsOf(tpe)
(fromApply(fields), toUnapply(fields))
// case 4: exactly one matching public apply/unapply
case HasApplyUnapply(args) => mkCtorDtor0(args)

case HasApplyUnapply(args) =>
(fromApply(args), toUnapply(args))
// case 5: concrete, exactly one public constructor with matching public unapply
case HasCtorUnapply(args) =>
val elems = { case (name, tpe) => (TermName(c.freshName("pat")), name, tpe) }
val pattern = pq"${companionRef(tpe)}(..${ { case (binder, _, tpe) => if(isVararg(tpe)) pq"$binder @ $repWCard" else pq"$binder" }})"
val rhs = { case (binder, _, tpe) => narrow(q"$binder", tpe) }
mkCtorDtor1(elems, pattern, rhs)

(fromConstructor(args), toUnapply(args))
// case 6: concrete, exactly one public constructor with matching accessible fields
case HasUniqueCtor(args) =>
val elems = { case (name, tpe) => (TermName(c.freshName("pat")), name, tpe) }
val binder = TermName(c.freshName("pat"))
val pattern = pq"$binder"
val rhs = { case (_, name, tpe) => narrow(q"$binder.$name", tpe) }
mkCtorDtor1(elems, pattern, rhs)

case _ => abort(s"Bad product type $tpe")
(fromConstructor(args), toGetters(args))
case _ =>
abort(s"Bad product type $tpe")
Expand All @@ -1062,11 +1064,7 @@ class GenericMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) extends CaseClassMacros {

def mkProductGeneric(tpe: Type): Tree = {
val repr = mkHListTpe(fieldsOf(tpe).map(_._2))
val ctorDtor = CtorDtor(tpe)
val (p, ts) = ctorDtor.binding
val to = cq"$p => ${mkHListValue(ts)}.asInstanceOf[$repr]"
val (rp, rts) = ctorDtor.reprBinding
val from = cq"$rp => ${ctorDtor.construct(rts)}"
val (from, to) = CtorDtor.fromTo(tpe, TypeTree(repr))
q"$generic.instance[$tpe, $repr]({ case $to }, { case $from })"

Expand Down
13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions core/src/main/scala/shapeless/generic1.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,17 +219,12 @@ class Generic1Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) extends CaseClassMacros {

def mkProductGeneric1(tpe: Type, frTpe: Type): Tree = {
val ctorDtor = CtorDtor(tpe)
val (p, ts) = ctorDtor.binding
val to = cq"$p => ${mkHListValue(ts)}"
val (rp, rts) = ctorDtor.reprBinding
val from = cq"$rp => ${ctorDtor.construct(rts)}"
val name = c.freshName(TypeName("P"))
val reprTpt = reprTypTree1(tpe, name)
val tparam = c.freshName(TypeName("P"))
val reprName = c.freshName(TypeName("R"))

val reprTpt = reprTypTree1(tpe, tparam)
val (from, to) = CtorDtor.fromTo(tpe, tq"$reprName[$AnyTpe]")
type $reprName[$name] = $reprTpt
type $reprName[$tparam] = $reprTpt
$generic1.unsafeInstance[$tpe, $frTpe, $reprName]({ case $to }, { case $from })
Expand Down

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