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Releases: milkcan/effortless-android

Release 1.1.1

01 Jul 14:16
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  • Major documentation overhaul
  • Disposable.safeDispose() now returns a boolean whether or not it was disposed by the function call
  • Updated snack() (Snackbar) extensions to handle Snackbar actions


// Android Framework Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android:1.1.1"

// Standard Library Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-stdlib:1.1.1"

// RxJava 2 Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-rx:1.1.1"

Release 1.1.0

28 Jun 21:28
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Added AlertDialog/ProgressDialog/FragmentDialog .safeDismiss() extensions to dismiss without null or isDismissed() checks

Added Bundle printBundle() extension which iterates through bundle keys and prints key/value pairs to debug log (useful if you do not know what values are passed in an Intent)

Added DelayedOnClickListener and extension (see: DelayedOnClickListener.kt and ViewExtensions.kt for more information)

Added Disposable .safeDispose() extension to dispose without null or .isDisposed() checks (effortless-android-rx)

Added asyncThreads() extensions to quickly sub and observe on (effortless-android-rx

Added extensions file for Maybe (same as Observable/Single/etc. extensions) (effortless-android-rx)

Renamed Boolean.asInt() extension to Boolean.toInt()

To install:

// Android Framework Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android:1.1.0"

// Standard Library Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-stdlib:1.1.0"

// RxJava 2 Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-rx:1.1.0"

Release: Version 1.0.4

04 Oct 16:18
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Added SnackbarExtensions for easier Snackbar use (including animation bug workaround)
Added PatternUtil which uses android.util.Patterns to validate email/IP address/phone
Renamed isPermissionGranted to isPermissionsGranted and changed to vararg parameters

To install:

// Android Framework Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android:1.0.4"

// Standard Library Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-stdlib:1.0.4"

// RxJava 2 Extensions
compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-rx:1.0.4"

Release: Version 1.0.3

26 Jul 19:39
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Added an extension for scaling & center cropping Bitmaps
Removed ternary infix from Boolean extensions (see relevant discussion)

To install:

    // Android Framework Extensions
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android:1.0.3"

    // Standard Library Extensions
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-stdlib:1.0.3"

    // RxJava 2 Extensions
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-rx:1.0.3"

Release: Version 1.0.2

06 Jul 21:59
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Added module which contains extensions for the Kotlin standard library
Fixed sources not included in Bintray release

To install:

    // Android Framework Extensions
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android:1.0.2"

    // Standard Library Extensions
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-stdlib:1.0.2"

    // RxJava 2 Extensions
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-rx:1.0.2"

Effortless Android Version 1.0.1

03 Jul 19:36
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Added toast() and toastLong() for v4 Support Fragment
Added hideKeyboard() as an Activity extension
Added logging helpers that accept throwable parameter for Log.e() and

To install:

    // Base
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android:1.0.1"

    // RxJava 2:
    compile "io.milkcan:effortless-android-rx:1.0.1"

Effortless Android v0.0.4

12 Jun 20:56
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compile 'io.milkcan:effortless-android:0.0.4'