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mimiyin edited this page Jan 18, 2017 · 5 revisions

In this class, we are going to move out of the p5 Web Editor. I will continue to share simple examples via the web editor, but you should set yourself up with a desktop editor in preparation for more complex projects.

  1. Get the Atom editor. | Download
  2. Install the following packages (add-ons that give you additional functionality). | Instructions
    • atom-live-server (runs an http server)
    • atom-beautify (auto-formats your code)
  3. To open projects in atom, launch the app and go to File>>Open...
  4. To run your project, go to Packages>>Live Server and pick a port.

We're going to customize the keyboard shortcut for auto-formatting your code so that it is the same as Processing.

  1. Go to Atom>>Keymap...
  2. At the bottom of the keymap.cson file that pops open, change the keymap for 'atom-beautify:beautify-editor' to cmd-t.
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