Simple scrolling page view container for UIViewControllers modelled after UIPageViewController. Checkout the example app in Example folder of this repo.
Basic usage:
#import <MNPageViewController/MNPageViewController.h>
MNPageViewController *controller = [[MNPageViewController alloc] init];
controller.viewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
controller.dataSource = self;
controller.delegate = self;
MNPageViewController provides delegate callbacks with a ratio variable from 0.f - 1.f on how far the controller is away from the center of the screen. This allows you to create custom transitions from controller to controller.
- (void)mn_pageViewController:(MNPageViewController *)pageViewController willPageToViewController:(MNViewController *)viewController withRatio:(CGFloat)ratio;
- (void)mn_pageViewController:(MNPageViewController *)pageViewController willPageFromViewController:(MNViewController *)viewController withRatio:(CGFloat)ratio;
Add MNPageViewController as a submodule by running the following command from the root of your project
$ git submodule add Vendor/MNPageViewController
Drag the MNPageViewController.xcodeproj into your project.
to the Link Binary With Libraries section of you Build Phases -
#import <MNPageViewController/MNPageViewController.h>