This project is intended to be a "clone" of hackernews/reddit, implementing some of their features.
- Node (v17.0.1)
- npm
- Docker Desktop
- Docker Compose
Application (Create React App) is served on port 3000 (localhost:3000/)
Hasura endpoint is served on port 8080 (localhost:8080/)
Express is served on port 3001 (localhost:3001/)
Clone the project
git clone
cd hackernews-back/
Using npm with two terminals:
In the client folder: Install the dependencies. Make sure REACT_APP_DEBUG in .env file in client folder is set to "DEV"
# client
cd client
npm install
In the server folder:
Install the dependencies.
Database migrations and metadata should automatically be applied.
# server
cd server
npm install
Start docker-compose
# in root folder
docker-compose up
To use the hasura console:
cd server/hackernews-hasura
npx hasura console
Console will be available at localhost:9695/
Environment variables aren't hidden for now (Magic api keys, JWT secret etc.)
- Display posts using GraphQL subscriptions
- User registration/#, authentication with magic link + jwt token stored in httponly cookie
- Authenticated users can submit and delete posts
- Authenticated users can upvote and downvote posts
- Authenticated users can comment, and upvote and downvote comments
- Sort posts and comments by new/top
- Users can search for posts (url, title) and sort
- User profile page
- Post karma system
- Pagination
- Responsive design
- when users comment, action bars don't get refreshed.
- Create initial seed for db
- When users delete comment, replace with "deleted" instead of cascading deletes.
- On all handlesubmits, disable the button at the beginning and reenable at the end