This is an example of using the miniboxing plugin with your sbt project. The changes to the normal build script are located in the
value in project/Build.scala
For more details on the miniboxing plugin and how to use it, please visit
Example usage:
$ git clone
$ cd miniboxing-example
$ cat src/main/scala/miniboxing/example/Test.scala
package miniboxing.example
case class MyTuple2[@miniboxed T1, @miniboxed T2](t1: T1, t2: T2)
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println("MyTuple of [Double, Double] dot getClass(): " + new MyTuple2(1.1, 1.1).getClass())
println("MyTuple of [Double, String] dot getClass(): " + new MyTuple2(1.1, "1").getClass())
println("MyTuple of [String, Double] dot getClass(): " + new MyTuple2("1", 1.1).getClass())
println("MyTuple of [String, String] dot getClass(): " + new MyTuple2("1", "1").getClass())
$ sbt
[info] Loading project definition from /mnt/data1/Work/Workspace/dev/miniboxing-example/project
[info] Set current project to miniboxing-example (in build file:/mnt/data1/Work/Workspace/dev/miniboxing-example/)
> set scalacOptions += "-P:minibox:log"
[info] Defining *:scalacOptions
[info] The new value will be used by compile:scalacOptions
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to miniboxing-example (in build file:/mnt/data1/Work/Workspace/dev/miniboxing-example/)
> compile
[info] Updating {file:/mnt/data1/Work/Workspace/dev/miniboxing-example/}miniboxing-example...
[info] Resolving org.scala-miniboxing.plugins#miniboxing-runtime_2.11;0.3-SNAPSHOT ...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.11 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /mnt/data1/Work/Workspace/dev/miniboxing-example/target/scala-2.11/classes...
Specializing class MyTuple2...
// interface:
abstract trait MyTuple2[T1, T2] extends Product with Serializable {
def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean
def copy$default$1[T1, T2](): T1 @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
def copy$default$2[T1, T2](): T2 @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
def copy[T1, T2](t1: T1,t2: T2): miniboxing.example.MyTuple2[T1,T2]
def productArity(): Int
def productElement(x$1: Int): Any
override def equals(x$1: Any): Boolean
override def hashCode(): Int
override def productIterator(): Iterator[Any]
override def productPrefix(): String
override def toString(): String
val t1(): T1
val t1_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1 @storage[Long]
val t1_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T1 @storage[Long]
val t1_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1
val t2(): T2
val t2_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2 @storage[Long]
val t2_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T2
val t2_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2 @storage[Long]
// specialized class:
case class MyTuple2_JJ[T1sp, T2sp] extends Product with Serializable with MyTuple2[T1sp,T2sp] {
def <init>(val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_JJ|T1_TypeTag: Byte,val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_JJ|T2_TypeTag: Byte,t1: T1sp @storage[Long],t2: T2sp @storage[Long]): miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_JJ[T1sp,T2sp] // is a specialized implementation of constructor MyTuple2
private[this] val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_JJ|T1_TypeTag: Byte // no info
private[this] val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_JJ|T2_TypeTag: Byte // no info
private[this] val t1: T1sp @storage[Long] // is a specialized implementation of value t1
private[this] val t2: T2sp @storage[Long] // is a specialized implementation of value t2
val t1(): T1sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a setter or getter for value t1
val t1_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2(): T2sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a setter or getter for value t2
val t2_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
// specialized class:
case class MyTuple2_LJ[T1sp, T2sp] extends Product with Serializable with MyTuple2[T1sp,T2sp] {
def <init>(val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_LJ|T2_TypeTag: Byte,t1: T1sp,t2: T2sp @storage[Long]): miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_LJ[T1sp,T2sp] // is a specialized implementation of constructor MyTuple2
private[this] val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_LJ|T2_TypeTag: Byte // no info
private[this] val t1: T1sp // is a specialized implementation of value t1
private[this] val t2: T2sp @storage[Long] // is a specialized implementation of value t2
val t1(): T1sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp // is a setter or getter for value t1
val t2(): T2sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a setter or getter for value t2
// specialized class:
case class MyTuple2_JL[T1sp, T2sp] extends Product with Serializable with MyTuple2[T1sp,T2sp] {
def <init>(val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_JL|T1_TypeTag: Byte,t1: T1sp @storage[Long],t2: T2sp): miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_JL[T1sp,T2sp] // is a specialized implementation of constructor MyTuple2
private[this] val miniboxing|example|MyTuple2_JL|T1_TypeTag: Byte // no info
private[this] val t1: T1sp @storage[Long] // is a specialized implementation of value t1
private[this] val t2: T2sp // is a specialized implementation of value t2
val t1(): T1sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a setter or getter for value t1
val t1_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2(): T2sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp // is a setter or getter for value t2
val t2_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
// specialized class:
case class MyTuple2_LL[T1sp, T2sp] extends Product with Serializable with MyTuple2[T1sp,T2sp] {
def <init>(t1: T1sp,t2: T2sp): miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_LL[T1sp,T2sp] // is a specialized implementation of constructor MyTuple2
private[this] val t1: T1sp // is a specialized implementation of value t1
private[this] val t2: T2sp // is a specialized implementation of value t2
val t1(): T1sp // is a setter or getter for value t1
val t1_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t1_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T1sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2(): T2sp // is a setter or getter for value t2
val t2_JJ(val T1_TypeTag: Byte,val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_JL(val T1_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp // is a forwarder to the specialized member
val t2_LJ(val T2_TypeTag: Byte): T2sp @storage[Long] // is a forwarder to the specialized member
[success] Total time: 11 s, completed Jun 4, 2014 2:28:10 AM
> run
[info] Running miniboxing.example.Test
MyTuple of [Double, Double] dot getClass(): class miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_JJ
MyTuple of [Double, String] dot getClass(): class miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_JL
MyTuple of [String, Double] dot getClass(): class miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_LJ
MyTuple of [String, String] dot getClass(): class miniboxing.example.MyTuple2_LL
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jun 4, 2014 2:28:10 AM
Try miniboxing on your own! Read more or use miniboxing with your project.
Or have a look at an array reverse example.