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Creating releases

Karl Stolley edited this page Apr 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

Note: these are from my personal notes and they need to be cleaned up --@karlstolley

  1. Create a release branch off of master (e.g., git checkout -b 2.0.3 -> no v.)
  2. Make a bump to the VERSION constant in the /lib/jted2.rb file
  3. Create a Git tag on the tip of the release branch (e.g., git tag v2.0.3 -> with a v.)
  4. Push the tag up to GitHub git push origin v2.0.3
  5. Cut the gem: gem build jekyll-theme-ed2.gemspec — it will drop right inside the jekyll-theme-ed2 working directory, but will be ignored by the .gitignore file
  6. #to if necessary (gem signin)
  7. Push the gem to gem push jekyll-theme-ed2-2.0.3.gem (If you have 2FA set up on, assuming you're signed in already, you'll still need to provide an OTP)
  8. Delete the release branch on your machine git branch -D 2.0.3 (the release commit will be preserved by the tag)
  9. Go over to the tag listing on GitHub for jekyll-theme-ed2. > hit the Draft a new release button, choose the tag already pushed, and go to town writing release docs. Note: it’d be a great idea to keep a more detailed changelog while going along in future releases.
  10. Make any necessary updates to the Ed. version roadmap at
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