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Boilerplate starter code for a Node + Flow REST API project with Gulp, Babel, Sourcemaps, Passport (Bearer Token Strategy) with Facebook User Authentication using Redis Cache for Session Token storage and MongoDB + mongoose for data storage. Unit tests for Express Routers and Integration tests in Jest + supertest.

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Node.JS RESTful CRUD API with Facebook User Authentication

This branch contains a Node.JS Express Server with Flow type-checking exposing a RESTful API with CRUD examples and user authentication using the Facebook Graph API to verify Facebook access tokens sent from clients. Data storage is via MongoDB, and this project uses the mongoose npm package.

The CRUD examples are of Users and Trips.

User authentication is via the Facebook Graph API and Passport.

Log in is via GET /api/v1/#/facebook?facebookAccessToken=xxx

The client is responsible for getting a facebookAccessToken using a Facebook Client SDK.

The server extends this token to a long lived token, gets the associated Facebook profile and creates a User object with this data or updates the User object if one already exists with the retrieved Facebook profile user ID.

Once this login process completes, the server generates an authentication token, stores it in Redis with the User ID, and returns it as a token to the client to use on future requests. This token is generated using a secret key from the user ID so that we can easily manually expire tokens for specific users at will.

Future client requests can be authenticated if the client passes this token in the Authorization header, e.g.

Authorization: Bearer xxxxx

Each user has an associated level which governs their permissions to perform certain actions.

Level 1 users can only view and change their own user record and trip records.

Level 2 users can view all user records, change their own trip records and change all user records for level 1 users.

Level 3 users can view and change all user and trip records.

Stack used: Node.JS, Express, Flow, Babel + ES Preset, Gulp, Passport (Bearer Token Strategy), Facebook Node SDK (fb), Redis, MongoDB, mongoose, Jest, supertest

Login Routes

GET /api/v1/#/facebook?facebookAccessToken=xxxxx: Authenticates and returns a token.

User Routes

GET /api/v1/user/me: Returns own profile.

GET /api/v1/user/: Returns all users.

GET /api/v1/user/xxx: Returns user with ID xxx

POST /api/v1/user/: Creates a user with JSON data in request body. All user fields must be present.

PUT /api/v1/user/xxx: Updates user with ID xxx with JSON data in request body

DELETE /api/v1/user/xxx: Deletes a user with ID xxx

Trip Routes

GET /api/v1/trip/me: Gets own trips.

GET /api/v1/trip/: Gets all trips.

GET /api/v1/trip/xxx: Gets trip with ID xxx.

POST /api/v1/trip/: Creates a trip with arbitrary user ID.

POST /api/v1/trip/me: Creates a trip with own user ID.

PUT /api/v1/trip/xxx: Updates trip with ID xxx.

DELETE /api/v1/trip/xxx: Deletes trip with ID xxx.


Unit tests for the Express Routers and integration tests are written using Jest and supertest. Tests can be found in the directory __tests__.


MongoDB is used to store records, and the mongoose npm package is used to interface with the DB.

To install MongoDB, run: brew install mongodb

To start an instance of MongoDB, run:

mongod --dbpath data --bind_ip --port 27017 --auth

To connect a shell client, run:

mongo --port 27017 -u 'admin' -p 'password' --authenticationDatabase 'admin'

You will need to configure the root user account and password for these commands to work.


Redis is used to store user tokens to persist authenticated sessions via the API.

To install Redis, run: brew install redis

To start a Redis server, run: redis-server

Configuring the project

A ServerConfiguration object is exported from src/configuration.js which can be edited to configure the app. The object has the following Flow type:

type ServerConfiguration = {
  defaultPort: number,
  loggerPrefix: string,
  tokenExpireTimeSeconds: number,
  redisServerHost: string,
  redisServerPort: number,
  facebookClientAppId: string,
  facebookClientAppSecret: string,
  testUserFacebookAccessToken: string,
  mongoDbHost: string,
  mongoDbPort: number,
  mongoDbDatabaseName: string,
  mongoDbAuthenticationDatabase: string,
  mongoDbUserName: string,
  mongoDbPassword: string,


  1. npm install -g gulp-cli
  2. npm install -g flow-typed
  3. brew install redis
  4. brew install mongodb


Clone the repository

  1. npm install
  2. flow-typed install
  3. gulp to watch files and automatically rebuild / flow type check
  4. redis-server to start Redis Server
  5. mongod --dbpath data --bind_ip --port 27017 --auth to start MongoDB
  6. npm test to run unit tests and integration tests
  7. npm start to start the server
  8. Develop and remember to run flow-typed install after adding a new dependency with npm install --save xxx

React + Redux + Flow + Bootstrap + React Router frontend

A corresponding Web frontend for this app, built with React, Redux, Flow, React Bootstrap and React Router, can be found here:


Boilerplate starter code for a Node + Flow REST API project with Gulp, Babel, Sourcemaps, Passport (Bearer Token Strategy) with Facebook User Authentication using Redis Cache for Session Token storage and MongoDB + mongoose for data storage. Unit tests for Express Routers and Integration tests in Jest + supertest.






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