🔭 I’m currently working on Project-Management
📫 How to reach me mirzaradoncic@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Mr. Robot is the best show of all time... well that one might be an opinion.
🔭 I’m currently working on Project-Management
📫 How to reach me mirzaradoncic@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Mr. Robot is the best show of all time... well that one might be an opinion.
🎶 Welcome to TikMock, a mock TikTok application that allows you to upload, publish, share, comment on, like and search for videos by categories. # via Google OAuth to create your own profile …
📋A Spring Stack application where managers of a company can allocate resources for a given project. Features include the ability to hire employees, terminate employees, assign employees to various …
🗺️ The system developed in this project allows for the generation of congressional district boundaries without political influence but with the maximum number of majority-minority districts. This …
JavaScript 2
🐏 A dynamic memory allocator for an x86-64 architecture to replace the built-in malloc, free, and realloc functions provided by glibc. Features include using segregated free lists to implement a f…