This is a RESTful APIs based web application that allowed users to register themselves and upload thier files in any format to s3 bucket built with Flask, PostgreSQL, and deployed on AWS
- EC2 instances are built on a custom AMI using packer
- Setting up the network and creation of resources is automated with Cloud formation, aws cli and shell scripts
- Instances are autoscaled with ELB to handle the web traffic
- Created a serverless application to send a mail to user once he registers. SES and SNS
- The application is automaticaly tested using pytest and deployed using Github workflow once the pull request is merged.
Infrastructure | VPC, ELB, EC2, Route53, Cloud formation, Shell, Packer |
Webapp | Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB |
CI/CD | Github Worflow |
Alerting and logging | statsd, Cloud Watch, SNS, SES, Lambda |
Security | KMS and EBS for encryption of RDS and EC2, and SSL certificate for domain name using Route53 and DNS. |
- Create the networking setup using AWS CloudFormation and AWS CLI
- Create the required IAM policies and users
- Setup Load Balancers, Route53, DynamoDB, SNS, SES, RDS
- The Web application is developed using Flask framework that uses the REST architecture
- Secured the application with Basic authentication to retrieve user information
- Storing the files uplaoded by users in S3 bucket and retrieving as an object.
- Generating [verification URL] with expiration of 3 minutes using DynamoDB
Pre-Requisites: Need to have postman installed
- Clone this repository into the local system
- Go to the folder Flask_app_deployed_to_AWS_using_AMI /webapp
- Download all the packages listed in requirements.txt using pip
- Run WebappApplication in your local server by running the command flask run
- After pushing the code to github the workflow will run the unit test case to check the working of app.
- After merging the code the github workflow will create a custom AMI and push it into EC2 instance.
- The artifact generated is stored in S3 bucket and deployed to an
autoscaling group.
- Created auto scaling groups to scale the EC2 instances for the application to handle the webtraffic and keep the costs low when traffic is low
- Created cloud watch alarms to scale up and scale down the EC2 instances
- Created a pub/sub system with SNS and lambda function
- When the user registers, a message is published to the SNS topic.
- The lambda function checks for the entry of the email in DynamoDB if
it has no entry then it inserts a record with a TTL of 5 minutes
and sends the notification to the user with SES ![alt
- Implemented CI to build out an AMI and share it between organization on AWS
- Created provisioners and bootstrapped the RDS instance using shell script