Template tags to quickly show real content instead of misleading lorem ipsum. Useful to get a sense of real world content with fun local unicode characters.
Works on Python >= 2.7 (including Python >= 3.5) and Django >= 1.6.
pip install django-real-content
In your project's settings file add real_content
setting (if none is set, english will be used).
INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'real_content', ) DRC_LANGUAGE = 'hr'
- cz, de, en, es, fr, gr, hr, it, nl, pl, rs, ru, si
Explaind in more detail on read the docs.
Load django-real-content in your template.
{% load drc %}
show random title with h3 tag
{% drc_title 'h3' %}
show 3 random paragraphs
{% drc_paragraphs 3 %}
show random image from lorempixel.com which dimensions are 420x360
{% drc_image 420 360 %}
show a random number between 1 and 100
{% drc_number 1 100 %}
Various localised news portals and local wikipedia in some cases.
- add more languages in the package as standard (fi, pt...)