Device code runs on a raspberry pi in the cat food dispenser. The only behavior
specific to the rpi/device is in hardware.js, which drives the auger motor. A
fake device can be run with npm run fake
Backend code can run anywhere, but has some requirements.
- (obviously) Needs SSL (no Heroku free dynos)
- Needs google cloud credentials to read/write datastore entities
- Needs to serve on an origin domain that matches the OAuth credentials in use
- Needs to allow websockets (no AppEngine standard)
TODO: describe it
Both device and backend use pm2 to manage the app. They also use nvm to install
node/npm. Note that catfood/
symlink must be part of the path passed to pm2
or else it will resolve the symlink only once.
# backend
pm2 start catfood/ --name catfood-backend --log $HOME/catfood.log
# device
pm2 start catfood/ --name catfood-device --log $HOME/catfood.log
A free GCE f1-micro with static IPv4 address. This allows full flexibility on allowing websockets and managing SSL.
- Use nginx reverse proxy to terminate SSL. (Supports websockets!!)
location / { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; }
- Use certbot to get and auto-renew LetsEncrypt certs (