- MitoWheel - visual toolset for exploring the human mitochondrial genome
- MITOMAP - database of polymorphisms and mutations in human mitochondrial DNA
- HaploGrep - haplogroup classification tool
- AmtDB - ancient mtDNA database
- Helix Mitochondrial database - The largest publicly available mitochondrial variant database
- http://www.phylotree.org/index.htm
- Nemu pipeline - pipeline to reconstruct mutational spectrum from genbank sequences
- MIDORI2 - reference database of DNA and amino acid sequences used for taxonomic assignments of Eukaryota mitochondrial DNA sequences
- MitoZoa - specialized database collecting mtDNA entries of metazoan species
- MITOS2 - improved annotation of protein-coding genes boundaries in metazoan mitochondrial genomes
- MitoScape - big-data, machine-learning workflow for obtaining mtDNA sequence from NGS data.
- MitoAalt - Accurate mapping of mitochondrial DNA deletions and duplications using deep sequencing
- eKLIPse - a sensitive tool for the detection and quantification of mitochondrial DNA deletions from next-generation sequencing data
- MitoHPC -