Make sure you've followed the Mac Basic Setup under Development Setup on Confluence
In a command window, cd to root folder of this project and ensure dependencies are installed
yarn install
Add a .env file to the root of the project and use the format of .env.example to populate the file with the correct paths for the environment variables
Run the build
a. To build in dev environment (local) and watch files
yarn run devBuild
b. To build in stage
yarn run stageBuild
c. To build in production
yarn run prodBuild
we need to ignore linebreak-style style-rules as below mentioned
Setup enviroment prefernce:
"files.eol" : "\n"
Or setup using
'linebreak-style': ['error', 'unix'], ----for MAC 'linebreak-style': ['error', 'windows'], ----for Window
In a second command window (launched from root folder) run the app
yarn run start
You can then view the demo application in a browser at localhost:3000.
Make sure you've followed the PC Basic Setup under Development Setup on Confluence.
- Follow the steps in Setup for Mac
You can then view the demo application in a browser at localhost:3000.