Kota Miura (miura@embl.de)
- filetype.vim
Place this file under
~/vimfile (Windows)
~/.vim (Unix)
in case of MacVim, a bit complicated: place the file under
also add the contents of above filetype.vim to
- ijmacor.vim
Place this file under
~/vimfile/syntax (Windows)
~/.vim/syntax (Unix)
in case of MacVim, a bit complicated: Place the file under
Also place another copy to
Notepad++ is a free software for Windows (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/). For istallation of syntax highlighters, please refer to this page
IJmacro_VIMlight.xml for bright background (white)
IJmacro_VIMMonoIndustrial.xml for dark background (style "Mono Industrial", selectable from Settings -> Style Configurator)
The definition file for CorEditor Could be found at: https://gist.github.com/1334472