Fail2ban exporter is an exporter for Prometheus. The exporter exposes metrics on port 9921.
- Python 3: Only required if you execute the script.
Check the latest version.
Download the latest version.
Unarchive it
tar -xzf fail2ban_exporter-{{version}}.tar.gz
Install the dependencies Launch the script
python -m pip install prometheus_client
python fail2ban_exporter-0.0.2/src/fail2ban_exporter &
Check the latest version
Download the latest version of the executable
Unarchive it.
wget{{ version }}/fail2ban_exporter_executable-{{ version }}.tar.gz
tar -xzf fail2ban_exporter_executable-{{version}}.tar.gz
Set the execution mod to the executable and run it as the user running fail2ban-client.
chmod ug+x fail2ban_exporter_executable-{{ version }}/fail2ban_exporter
./fail2ban_exporter &
It is possible to run the exporter as a docker container. The parent folder of the fail2ban socket needs to be mapped.
Note: Do not map the socket itself as it is destroyed whenever fail2ban is stopped.
docker run -d \
--name "fail2ban_exporter" \
-v /var/run/fail2ban:/var/run/fail2ban:ro
- p "9921:9921"
- "9921:9921"
- /var/run/fail2ban:/var/run/fail2ban:ro
The following metrics are exposed:
Name | Type | Description |
fail2ban_jail_count | Gauge | Number of active jails |
fail2ban_failed_total | Counter | Total number of failures. Labelled by the name of the jail |
fail2ban_currently_failed | Gauge | Current number of failures. Labelled by the name of the jail |
fail2ban_currently_banned | Gauge | Current number of bans. Labelled by the name of the jail |
fail2ban_banned_total | Counter | Total number of bans. Labelled by the name of the jail |
- FAIL2BAN_EXPORTER_PORT . If specified the exporter will run on this port.