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Setup PHP for 4D

Build static PHP with minimal dependencies

Clone or download php-src.

By default, re2c is missing and bison is too old.

brew install re2c
brew install bison
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/bison/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Restart Terminal.

cd {php-src-master}
export LIBS="-lz"
/configure --enable-static --without-iconv --prefix={path-to-install-dir}
make install

This will install static php-cgi with only the following system dependencies:


For comparision, the v20 php-fcgi-4d file looks like this:


According to the PHP modules support documentation, SQLite3 is enabled so the library must be statically linked. Zip, Zlib, Iconv, as well as XML-releated featured that depend on Zlib are all disabled.

To create universal binary, restart Terminal using Rosetta, make distclean, repeat, then lipo -create.

Build static PHP with embedded libz and libsqlite3

Download libraries, then lipo -create:

brew fetch --bottle-tag=arm64_big_sur sqlite
brew fetch --bottle-tag=x86_64_big_sur sqlite
brew fetch --bottle-tag=arm64_big_sur zlib
brew fetch --bottle-tag=x86_64_big_sur zlib

Indicate static library location:

export LDFLAGS="-L{path-to-static-library-dir}"
export LIBS="-lz -lsqlite3"

Error: sqlite3.c:446:6: error: call to undeclared function 'sqlite3_load_extension'


We could edit /ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.stub.php like so:

    /** @tentative-return-type */
#    public function loadExtension(string $name): bool {}

…but this won't update the source files.

Solution: Remove from ext/sqlite3/sqlite3_arginfo.h

ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_TENTATIVE_RETURN_TYPE_INFO_EX(arginfo_class_SQLite3_loadExtension, 0, 1, _IS_BOOL, 0)

…and add to ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c


This will install static php-cgi with the same 3 dependencies as php-fcgi-4d.

Build static PHP with embedded libiconv

Download libraries, then lipo -create:

brew fetch --bottle-tag=arm64_big_sur libiconv
brew fetch --bottle-tag=x86_64_big_sur libiconv

Error: configure: error: Please reinstall the iconv library.

Indicate static library location:

We could indicate static library location. Also add -liconv to LDFLAGS:

export CFLAGS="-I{path-to-user-header-dir}" 
export LDFLAGS="-L{path-to-static-library-dir} -liconv"
export LIBS="-lz  -lsqlite3 -liconv"

…but this won't eliminate compiler errors.

Solution: Remove #undef ext/iconv/iconv.c

//#undef iconv

Does it actually work?

Rename the program as php-fcgi-4d and replace the one inside

Test call:

var $returnValue : Text

$success:=PHP Execute(""; "phpversion"; $returnValue)

var $response : Text
ARRAY TEXT($labels; 0)
ARRAY TEXT($values; 0)

PHP GET FULL RESPONSE($response; $labels; $values)

Result: $success is False. Activity Monitor shows multiple instances of php-fcgi-4d. X-4DPHP-Error-php-interpreter contains the message:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() in _4D_Execute_PHP.php:131

Solution: Add --enable-mbstring to configure.

Build static PHP with embedded libzip

The homebrew distribution of libzip is dynamic-only.

Solution: Build from source. Uncheck BUILD_SHARED_LIBS in CMake.

Build static PHP with modules and extensions

Modules or Extension Configure Option 4D v20 This Repository
BCMath --enable-bcmath
Calendar --enable-calendar
Character type checking (default)
Client URL Library --with-curl=DIR disabled
Date and Time (default)
Document Object Model (default) disabled
Exchangeable image information --enable-exif
File Information (default)
Data Filtering (default)
FTP --enable-ftp
GNU Multiple Precision --with-gmp disabled
HASH Message Digest Framework (default)
iconv (default) disabled
Image Processing and GD --enable-gd --with-avif --with-webp --with-jpeg --enable-gd-jis-conv disabled
JavaScript Object Notation (default)
libxml (default) disabled
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol --with-ldap
Multibyte String --enable-mbstring
OpenSSL --with-openssl
Regular Expressions (Perl-Compatible) (default)
PHP Data Objects (default)
SQLite Functions (PDO_SQLITE) (default)
Phar (default)
POSIX (default)
Random Number Generators and Functions Related to Randomness (default)
Reflection (default)
Sessions (default)
SimpleXML (default) disabled
Sockets --enable-sockets
SQLite3 (default)
Standard PHP Library (SPL) (default)
Tidy --with-tidy=DIR disabled
Tokenizer (default)
XML Parser (default) disabled
XMLReader (default) disabled
XMLWriter (default) disabled
Zip --with-zip disabled
Zlib Compression --with-zlib disabled

Configure Options

 --enable-gd --with-avif --with-webp --with-jpeg --enable-gd-jis-conv

Static Libraries and Frameworks

export LIBS="
 -lwebp -lavif -ltiff -lpng16 -lsharpyuv
 -lcrypto -lssl
 -lcurl -lnghttp2 -lidn2 -lssh2 -lldap -llber
 -lbrotlidec -lbrotlienc -lbrotlicommon
 -framework GSS
 -framework SystemConfiguration
 -framework Cocoa
 -framework Security
 -framework LDAP
 -framework Kerberos"

Build static PHP with embedded libcurl

Error: configure: error: There is something wrong. Please check config.log for more information.

Solution: Add path to custom installations:


Error: Undefined symbols: libunistring expects a non-plug version of libiconv.

Solution: Compile and use a hybrid version that contains both names (_iconv and _libiconv).

Error: Undefined symbols: libbrotli constants.

Solution: Specify subdirectory paths to header files:

export CFLAGS="

Build static PHP with embedded libldap

Error: configure: error: Cannot find ldap.h

Solution: Add path to custom installations:


Build static PHP with interactive shell support

Error: configure: error: Please reinstall readline - I cannot find readline.h

Solution: Add path to custom installations:
