bioGUI NGS & assembly edition
This release contains several bug-fixes for templates:
- some templates are now Mac OS compatible (with brew)
- a bug preventing the use of First Time Ubuntu templates has been fixed (if dos2unix had not yet been installed)
Further improvements:
- The user-guide has been updated.
- Additional explanation of how to create templates oneself has been added.
- Video Tutorial on how to use bioGUI
The number of bioGUI install templates has been extended to allow usage in NGS transcriptomic workflows (hisat2, ms-EmpiRe, ...) as well as in hybrid Illumina and long-read assemblies (spades, wtdbg2, Minimap2/Miniasm/racon ).
Find below builds for
- Windows (zip)
- Mac OS (dmg)
- Linux (tar.gz)
Windows/WSL Users please follow the instructions to setup WSL as well as the user guide.
Mac Users should follow the user guide due to Mac OS security features.
If you experience problems, raise an issue or contact the author joppich|at|