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Compile Regex Optimization

Martin Karing edited this page Nov 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

ID: compile regex
Availability: ConfuserEx 2

This optimization compiles the regular expressions that are used in an assembly into static code. The code is generated using the facilities of the .NET Framework that allow the Regex.CompileToAssembly method to work.

The compiled expressions perform with the same performance gain as expressions that are maked with RegexOptions.Compiled, but without the slowdown when loading the expression.


  • compiled: This parameter is a boolean value indicating if all regular expressions should be compiled, or only the ones with the RegexOptions.Compiled flag.

    • true: Only regular expressions with the RegexOptions.Compiled flag will be compiled to static code.
    • false: All regular expressions are subject of being compiled. (default)
  • i18nSafe: This parameter is a boolean value indicating that only regular expressions are compiled that are compiled exactly the same way for every culture. The expression won't be compiled if it's flagged with RegexOptions.CaseInsensitive or if it contains case-insenstive areas, unless it is also flagged with RegexOptions.CultureInvariant.

    • true: Skip expressions that are unsafe to compile with regards to the culture.
    • false: Ignore possible issues with the culture and compile the expressions for the invariant culture. (default)
  • skipBroken: This parameter is a boolean value indicating how to handle invalid regular expressions.

    • true: Warn about invalid regular expressions and leave them as is.
    • false: Cancel the obfuscation in case an invalid regular expression is encountered. (default)


<protection id="compile regex">
  <argument name="compiled" value="false" />
  <argument name="i18nSafe" value="true" />
  <argument name="skipBroken" value="false" />


This optimization needs to identify both the pattern and the options for the regular expression. This only works in case both are constant values. If either the pattern or the options are not constant, the call to the expression will not be optimized.

Enabling this optimization is in general a safe thing to do. It increases the size of the assembly, depending on the amount and the complexity of the expressions. The performance gain depends on the complexity of the expressions. In case the same expression is used multiple times in the assembly, the compiled code is reused.

If the increase in side is a concern it's useful to limit the compiling of the regular expressions to the ones that are most critical for the performance. This can be done either by setting the RegexOptions.Compiled and setting the compiled parameter to true or be enabling this optimization only for specific methods and types.