Attention: as of version 0.9 Roundcube supports uploads via fileapi. So this plugin is no longer necessary. I will accept bugfixes for RC-Versions < 0.9 but there will be no new versions.
Matthias Krauser mail: <matthias (at) krauser (dot) eu > twitter: @mat_krauser
- changed api to support roundcube 0.7
- changed api to support roundcube 0.6
- migrated from private svn repository to github (
- changed versioning to match roundcube versions (plugin versions 0.6.x will be for roundcube 0.6.x, 0.7.x will work with rc 0.7 etc).
- added support for Webkit-Browsers (Chrome and others) (thanks to Thomas Yu for the Patch)
- [FIXED] missing comma (thanks to Guillaume Germain for the hint)
- [FIXED] wrong filename of fileapi.js (thanks to Guillaume Germain for the hint)
- Chrome is not supported (see
- Initial Release
- Improve the design, a bit like the drop-area shown here (
- Roundcube 0.6 (used for development and testing of 0.6-branch)
- In this Version, Firefox 3.6+ and Chrome are supported
Use's the HTML5-FileApi to upload Attachments (testet in FF 3.6 on Ubuntu and Firefox 4b and Chrome10 on Windows )
For now, this is only a proof-of-concept, there a many hacks in the code If you have any hints or suggestions, feel free to contact me.
Copy the plugin in the plugins-directory of your Roundcube installation and activate it in your main-config-file, that's it.