- Reads and displays 3D renderings of DICOM or NIfTI images.
- Applies a Gaussian and median filters for smoothing.
- Calculates the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for the original image and both filtered images.
- A global threshold can be set by the user. This segmentation is then overlaid on the original image.
- Scroll through slices with the UP/DOWN arrow keys or the mouse wheel.
- Zoom in and out by clicking and dragging the right mouse buttom.
Create a folder for the build (e.g. bin, build, etc.)
Build with CMake and your favorite compiler.
Run the executable that is generated in the bin\Debug folder from the command line
vtkMetrics.exe <PATH_TO_DICOM_FOLDER>
vtkMetrics.exe <NIfTI_IMAGE_FILE>.nii