Releases: mlee-0/Cantilever
Releases · mlee-0/Cantilever
Cantilever 3
Train a CNN that predicts the stress contour in a cantilever beam with variable dimensions and a point load at the free end with variable magnitude and direction.
The input images represent information about the cantilever and loading using two channels:
- Black background with a white/gray line oriented at the specific angle and a brightness representing the load magnitude. Angle values follow the standard coordinate system and increase counterclockwise. An angle of 0 degrees points directly right, and an angle of 90 degrees points directly up.
- Black background with a white rectangle representing the length and height of the cantilever.
The output images are stress contours in the cantilever generated by FEA.
- Software: ANSYS (Mechanical APDL)
- Element type: PLANE182 (2D 4-node structural solid)
- Thickness: 1
- Material: structural steel
- Elastic modulus: 200 GPa
- Poisson's ratio: 0.3
Cantilever 2
Train a CNN that predicts the stress contour in a fixed-size cantilever beam with a constant-magnitude point load at the end that varies in direction.
- Split script into three separate scripts.
- Renamed and added folders:
- Renamed: Inputs → Train Inputs
- Renamed: Outputs → Train Outputs
- Added: Test Inputs
- Added: Test Outputs
Cantilever 1
Train a CNN that predicts the stress contour in a fixed-size cantilever beam with a constant-magnitude point load at the end that varies in direction.