A prototype django cms project which demonstrates an internal server error bug when visiting the sitemap.xml page. This bug occurs if there are no published articles for a blog app config.
To demonstrate the bug first install the project requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the server with:
python manage.py runserver
Navigate to the site:
Navigate to sitemap.xml:
You should see an internal server error indicating that one of the blog
app config namespaces throws a NoReverseMatch()
You can access the admin with:
Username: demo Password: password1
Navigate to the 'Blog Articles' admin page and you'll see two articles associated with two different app configs. Create a new page and attach the 'Blog' apphook with the 'Blog / Blog' app config. Publish the page.
Now navigate back to localhost:8000/sitemap.xml
and you should see the page
load successfully.