This is a LinkedIn scraper to abstract data such as Name, Email, Contact Number etc of individuals and companies from LinkedIn. It has a rich UI to type in the keyword you would like to search in LinkedIn, the data will be collected and stored in the database. You can send e-mails to selected profiles from the frontend itself.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. You can further use it for production as well.
Download the chrome driver corresponding to your chrome version and os from
For those who are using latest version of MacOS - Catalina, locate the chrome driver and execute the following command on terminal
xattr -d chromedriver
Windows and linux users, no need to worry about all these.
MySQL database server running.(you can also use the system without database)
Hope you have cloned the project, now locate the project directory
Firstly install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Change the database credentials on line no.28 with yours. Then execute the following command on terminal
you can now access the interface from your browser using
you can also use the flask authentication decorator to authenticate user's identity. By default it is not activated. Route for the same is
Username : mukesh
Password : mukesh
Navigate to line number 40 & 41. Set you gmail's email address and password respectively.
This project is free to use for educational and commercial purpose.
Happy Coding 😇