📅 January 23, 2022
🕕 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (India Standard Time)
Join us for a free Microsoft Workshop on Git and GitHub on January 23rd, 2022 at 6PM IST hosted on Teams Live Event. Learn all about Git and GitHub, creating repositories, making branches, committing to other repositories, making pull requests, and more. Link for the workshop will be shared to you on the day of event. Please join using laptop for a smooth experience of the workshop.
Note: Just follow the following steps copy paste the commands and change them accordingly and you are All Set To Go 😀
Before all of this create a GitHub account and download an install the Git Bash as it was explained in the event
Set your user name and email in the gitbash using following commands (Replace the "Bob" and "bob@example.com" with your name and email).
git config --global user.name "Bob"
git config --global user.email "bob@example.com"
Generate a new SSH key for a hardware security key (Replace your_email@example.com with your actual email)
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
Add your SSH key to the ssh-agent.
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Copy the SSH public key to your clipboard.
clip < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
After copying the key go to your github setting --> SSH keys and paste it there and give some title and save.
Then do it for this repo and copy the SSH link to clone.
To clone the repo, fork the repo. and copy the SSH link and Create a new folder right click and open gitbash and run:
git clone link-you-copied
Replace the link with the copied link.
To move to the main directory run:
cd Git-it-done
Now we are in the main folder where we will run all of our commands
To create a new branch run:
git checkout -b branch-name
Replace "branch-name" name with the name that you want to give to this branch and don't add spaces between the name.
To check the status of your file run:
git status
To add files to staging area run:
git add .
To commit the changes run:
git commit -m "commit message"
Replace the "commit message" with actual message.
To push the chanegs run:
git push origin your-branch-name
Replace your-branch-name with your branch name that you created earlier.
Ex: git push origin test
After all of this go to https://github.com/mlsasrmncr/Git-it-done and create a PR.
So, finally you have created your first PR 🎉🌟
At last fill the Attendance Form for Certificate here : https://forms.gle/yHYYzcRpU2ze7ENe6
Thankyou! 😊