MLX Katalog is a project to hold the default content to bootstrap Machine Learning Exchange.
You can upload files under pipeline-samples to the Machine Learning Exchange Components page to register a new component.
Sample Pipelines: monitor_quality, monitor_fairness, wml_train
You can upload files under component-samples to the Machine Learning Exchange Components page to register a new component.
Sample Components: monitor_quality, monitor_fairness, wml_train
You can upload files under model-samples to the Machine Learning Exchange model page to register a new model.
Sample Models: image-completer
You can upload files under dataset-samples to the Machine Learning Exchange Datasets page to register a new Dataset.
Sample Models: image-completer
You can upload files under model-samples to the Machine Learning Exchange Notebooks page to register a new notebook.
Sample Notebooks: Watson-ML-pipeline is simple end to end pipeline notebook that trains a model on Watson Machine Learning. Then it stores and deploys the trained model as web service on Watson Machine Learning.