Docker sponge is a Minecraft server environment for Sponge / Forge servers.
Supports Sponge Vanilla and Sponge Forge
Not meant for production environments
Install Docker Toolbox
Install Virtualbox
Clone project:
$ git clone $ cd docker-sponge/
Run the setup
Create both Sponge Forge and Sponge Vanilla:
$ ./
Create only Sponge Forge:
$ sponge-forge/
Create only Sponge Vanilla:
$ sponge-vanilla/
Browse and update your Mincraft server files in the following locations:
Edit the
in the root of the project.-
You can update the following settings:
Container Name
Sponge and Forge Versions
You may add additional ports by adding to the
sections. -
If you already have a running container you can destroy it:
$ docker stop forge $ docker rm forge
$ docker stop vanilla $ docker rm vanilla
Re-build your container:
Both containers (from
directory):$ docker-compose up -d
Only Sponge Forge:
$ cd docker-forge/ $ docker-compose up -d
Only Sponge Vanilla:
$ cd docker-vanilla/ $ docker-compose up -d
Install Docker Toolbox
Install Virtualbox
Create a docker-machine and setup your environment:
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox sponge $ eval "$(docker-machine env sponge)"
Create container(s):
Sponge Forge
$ docker run -itd -p 25566:25566 \ -v /path/on/host:/forge \ -e MINECRAFT_PORT=25566 \ -e MINECRAFT_EULA=true \ -e MINECRAFT_MAXHEAP=1024M \ -e FORGE_VERSION=1.8.9- \ -e SPONGE_VERSION=1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1446 \ --name forge mmonkey/sponge-forge
Sponge Vanilla
$ docker run -itd -p 25567:25567 \ -v /path/on/host:/vanilla \ -e MINECRAFT_PORT=25567 \ -e MINECRAFT_MAXHEAP=1024M \ -e MINECRAFT_EULA=true \ -e SPONGE_VERSION=1.8.9-4.2.0-BETA-337 \ --name vanilla mmonkey/sponge-vanilla
Minecraft server files will be placed in the path you specified on this line
-v /path/on/host:/forge
On Windows, the host path should start from
On Mac, the host path should start from
You may add additional ports by adding
-p XXXX:XXXX --expose XXXX
to the desired port number)
Local Machine
Obtain the server's ip address:
$ docker-machine ip sponge
Ports (default)
Open Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
Select the VM used by Docker (sponge)
Click Settings -> Network
Make sure Adapter 1 is set to "NAT"
Click Advanced -> Port Forwarding
Add the rules that apply:
Name: Forge, Protocol: TCP, Host Port: 25566, Guest Port: 25566 (Leave Host IP and Guest IP empty)
Name: Vanilla, Protocol: TCP, Host Port: 25567, Guest Port: 25567 (Leave Host IP and Guest IP empty)
Restart docker-machine:
$ docker-machine stop sponge $ docker-machine start sponge
$ winpty docker attach forge
$ winpty docker attach vanilla
$ docker attach forge
$ docker attach vanilla
Keystroke: [CTRL]
+ [p]
then [CTRL]
+ [q]
NOTE: If you [CTRL]
+ [c]
while attached to the running container, the container will be stopped.
$ docker stop forge
$ docker start forge
$ docker stop vanilla
$ docker start vanilla
You will need to start the docker machine if the Host computer restarts or powers off
You may want to stop the docker machine to preserve the Host computers resources
Starting docker machine
$ docker-machine start sponge
Stopping docker machine
$ docker-machine stop sponge
Restarting docker machine
$ docker-machine restart sponge
When trying to run docker commands in a new bash window:
An error occurred trying to connect:
$ eval "$(docker-machine env sponge)"