Application deployment bits for ModCloth
The docker_pull
module is used to
pull docker containers.
# Application name used in file paths, service actions, etc.
modcloth_app_name: app
# The type of application to be deployed, either "long-running" or "cron"
# 'cron' should be used for applications that should run on a schedule (e.g. a rake task)
# A cron entry will be inserted to run this task (as root)
# 'long-running' should be used for applications that behave as services and should always be up
# An upstart job will be created to run your service (as root)
modcloth_app_type: long-running
# Environment variable mapping written to /etc/default/{{ modcloth_app_name }}
# which is passed to `docker run` via `--env-file`
modcloth_app_env: {}
# Template used for the file written to /etc/default/{{ modcloth_app_name }}
modcloth_app_etc_default_template: etc-default.j2
# Equivalent of `CMD` to be passed to `docker run`
modcloth_app_docker_command: ""
# Repository portion of docker image specification, e.g. "busybox",
# ""
modcloth_app_docker_repo: ""
# Tag portion of docker image specification, e.g.: "latest", "master"
modcloth_app_docker_tag: latest
# Proxy port for docker container, passed via `-p` to `docker run`
modcloth_app_docker_port: 3000
# Also valid:
# modcloth_app_docker_port:
# - { host: 3000, container: 80 }
# - { host: 8080, container: 9292, ip: }
# - { container: 22, ip: }
# Invalid (must at least specify container ip):
# - { host: 22, ip: }
# volumes to mount into the docker container
# ensures the directory on the host will be created
modcloth_app_docker_volumes: []
# Example:
# - { host: /var/lib/redis, container: /var/lib/redis, directory: yes }
# adds the --link option for `docker run` to the templates
modcloth_app_docker_link: []
# Example:
# - { name: style-gallery, alias: style-gallery }
# # note: alias, if not provided, defaults to the same value as name
# Cron job schedule
modcloth_app_cron_schedule: "* * * * *"
# Template used for the file written to
# /usr/local/bin/{{ modcloth_app_name }}-cron-wrapper
# Use this with another process that feeds required data to your proccess over STDIN
# E.g. a query running in another container
modcloth_app_cron_stdin_command: ""
# Template used for the temptate used to set up logrotation
# with logrotated
modcloth_app_cron_logrotate_template: cron-logrotate.j2
# additional conditions on the upstart service
modcloth_app_upstart_start_condition: ""
# Name of the application in NewRelic (for deployment notifications)
modcloth_app_new_relic_app_name: "[{{env}}] {{modcloth_app_name}}"
# Template used for the file written to /etc/init/{{ modcloth_app_name }}.conf
modcloth_app_upstart_conf_template: upstart.conf.j2
# Whether to notify NewRelic of app deployments
modcloth_app_notify_new_relic: false
# Whether or not to ship logs using the modcloth.rsyslog-file role (see meta/main.yml)
modcloth_app_ship_logs: true
# enable healthchecking after a restart
modcloth_app_healthcheck_enabled: false
# defaults for the healthcheck url
modcloth_app_healthcheck_scheme: "http"
modcloth_app_healthcheck_port: "80"
modcloth_app_healthcheck_path: "heartbeat"
modcloth_app_healthcheck_host: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
modcloth_app_healthcheck_url: "{{ modcloth_app_healthcheck_scheme }}://{{ modcloth_app_healthcheck_host }}:{{ modcloth_app_healthcheck_port }}/{{ modcloth_app_healthcheck_path }}"
modcloth_app_healthcheck_timeout: 1
modcloth_app_healthcheck_delay: 1
# modcloth_app_healthcheck_retries: 30 # currently not configurable due to
# NewRelic API token (for deployment notifications)
new_relic_api_token: "{{ new_relic_api_token | default('') }}"
Licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.