Python package for building MODFLOW-based programs from source files.
This is a python package for compiling MODFLOW-based and other Fortran, C, and
C++ programs. The package determines the build order using a directed acyclic
graph and then compiles the source files using GNU compilers (gcc
, g++
), Clang compilers (clang
, clang++
), or the Intel compilers (ifort
, icc
, mpiifort
pymake can be run from the command line or it can be called from within python. By default, pymake sets the optimization level, Fortran flags, C/C++ flags, and linker flags that are consistent with those used to compile MODFLOW-based programs released by the USGS.
Note that if gfortran is used to compile MODFLOW-based codes, the openspec.f
(MT3DMS) files will automatically be changed to the
following so that binary files are created properly using standard Fortran:
c -- created by
c -- end of include file
When pymake is installed, a mfpymake
(or mfpymake.exe
for Windows) program is installed.mfpymake
can be used to
compile MODFLOW 6 from source files located on your computer directly from the command line using
the Intel Fortran compiler ifort
from the root directory containing the src
subdirectory by specifying:
mfpymake src/ mf6 -mc --subdirs -fc ifort
To see help for running from command line, use the following statement.
mfpymake -h
The help message identifies required positional arguments and optional arguments that can be provided to override default values.
usage: mfpymake [-h] [-fc {ifort,mpiifort,gfortran,none}] [-cc {gcc,clang,clang++,icc,icl,mpiicc,g++,cl,none}] [-ar {ia32,ia32_intel64,intel64}] [-mc] [-dbl] [-dbg] [-e] [-dr] [-sd] [-ff FFLAGS]
[-cf CFLAGS] [-sl {-lc,-lm}] [-mf] [-md] [-cs COMMONSRC] [-ef EXTRAFILES] [-exf EXCLUDEFILES] [-so] [-ad APPDIR] [-v] [--keep] [--zip ZIP] [--inplace] [--networkx] [--meson] [--mesondir]
srcdir target
This is the pymake program for compiling fortran, c, and c++ source
files, such as the source files that come with MODFLOW. The program
works by building a directed acyclic graph of the module dependencies
and then compiling the source files in the proper order.
positional arguments:
srcdir Path source directory.
target Name of target to create. (can include path)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-fc {ifort,mpiifort,gfortran,none}
Fortran compiler to use. (default is gfortran)
-cc {gcc,clang,clang++,icc,icl,mpiicc,g++,cl,none}
C/C++ compiler to use. (default is gcc)
-ar {ia32,ia32_intel64,intel64}, --arch {ia32,ia32_intel64,intel64}
Architecture to use for Intel and Microsoft compilers on Windows. (default is intel64)
-mc, --makeclean Clean temporary object, module, and source files when done. (default is False)
-dbl, --double Force double precision. (default is False)
-dbg, --debug Create debug version. (default is False)
-e, --expedite Only compile out of date source files. Clean must not have been used on previous build. (default is False)
-dr, --dryrun Do not actually compile. Files will be deleted, if --makeclean is used. Does not work yet for ifort. (default is False)
-sd, --subdirs Include source files in srcdir subdirectories. (default is None)
-ff FFLAGS, --fflags FFLAGS
Additional Fortran compiler flags. Fortran compiler flags should be enclosed in quotes and start with a blank space or separated from the name (-ff or --fflags) with a equal sign
(-ff='-O3'). (default is None)
-cf CFLAGS, --cflags CFLAGS
Additional C/C++ compiler flags. C/C++ compiler flags should be enclosed in quotes and start with a blank space or separated from the name (-cf or --cflags) with a equal sign
(-cf='-O3'). (default is None)
-sl {-lc,-lm}, --syslibs {-lc,-lm}
Linker system libraries. Linker libraries should be enclosed in quotes and start with a blank space or separated from the name (-sl or --syslibs) with a equal sign (-sl='-libgcc').
(default is None)
-mf, --makefile Create a GNU make makefile. (default is False)
-md, --makefiledir GNU make makefile directory. (default is '.')
-cs COMMONSRC, --commonsrc COMMONSRC
Additional directory with common source files. (default is None)
List of extra source files to include in the compilation. extrafiles can be either a list of files or the name of a text file that contains a list of files. (default is None)
List of extra source files to exclude from the compilation. excludefiles can be either a list of files or the name of a text file that contains a list of files. (default is None)
-so, --sharedobject Create shared object or dll on Windows. (default is False)
-ad APPDIR, --appdir APPDIR
Target path that overrides path defined target path (default is None)
-v, --verbose Verbose output to terminal. (default is False)
--keep Keep existing executable. (default is False)
--zip ZIP Zip built executable. (default is None)
--inplace Source files in srcdir are used directly. (default is False)
--networkx Use networkx package to build Directed Acyclic Graph use to determine the order source files are compiled in. (default is False)
--meson Use meson to build executable. (default is False)
--mesondir meson directory. (default is '.')
Note that the source directory should not contain any bad
or duplicate source files as all source files in the source
directory, the common source file directory (srcdir2), and
the extra files (extrafiles) will be built and linked.
Files can be excluded by using the excludefiles command
line switch.
Compile MODFLOW 6 from the root directory containing the
source files in subdirectories in the src/ subdirectory:
$ mfpymake src/ mf6 --subdirs
Compile MODFLOW 6 in the bin subdirectory using the Intel
Fortran compiler from the root directory containing the source
files in subdirectories in the the src/ subdirectory:
$ mfpymake src/ mf6 --subdirs -fc ifort --appdir bin
Note that command line arguments for Fortran flags, C/C++ flags, and syslib libraries should be enclosed in quotes and
start with a space prior to the first value (-ff ' -O3'
) or use an equal sign separating the command line argument and
the values (-ff='-O3'
). The command line argument to use an -O3
optimization level when compiling MODFLOW 6 with
the ifort
compiler would be:
mfpymake src/ mf6 -mc --subdirs -fc ifort -ff='-O3'
When using the pymake object (Pymake()
) only the positional arguments
, target
) need to be specified in the script.
import pymake
pm = pymake.Pymake()
pm.srcdir = '../src' = 'mf6'
pm.include_subdirs = True
It is suggested that optional variables required for successful compiling and linking be manually specified in the
script to mininimize the potential for unsuccessful builds. For MODFLOW 6, subdirectories in the src
subdirectory need
to be included and 'pm.include_subdirs = True
' has been specified in the script. Custom optimization levels and
compiler flags could be specified to get consistent builds.
Non-default values for the optional arguments can specified as command line arguments. For example, MODFLOW 6 could be compiled using Intel compilers instead of the default GNU compilers with the script listed above by specifying:
python -fc ifort -cc icc
When pymake is installed, a make-program
(or make-program.exe
for Windows) program is installed. make-program
GSFLOW, VS2DT, MT3DMS, MT3D-USGS, SEAWAT, and SUTRA. Utility programs CRT, Triangle, and GRIDGEN can also
be built. make-program
downloads the distribution file (requires an internet connection), unzips the file, sets the
pymake settings required to build the program, and compiles the program from the source files. Optional pymake command
line arguments can be used to customize the build (-fc
, -cc
, --fflags
, etc.). For example, MODFLOW 6 could be
built using intel compilers and an O3
optimization level by specifying:
make-program mf6 -fc=ifort --fflags='-O3'
See pymake Read the Docs for more information.
To install pymake using pip type:
pip install mfpymake
To install pymake using conda type:
conda install -c conda-forge mfpymake
To install the latest pymake release directly from the git repository type:
pip install
To update your version of pymake with the latest development version from the git repository type:
pip install --upgrade