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This repository was archived by the owner on May 28, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Initial development. Documentation would be here when something would work.

OpenInvoice Rails engine


How to use my plugin.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'open_invoice'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install open_invoice


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

OpenInvoice Dummy App

This repository is dual: Rails Engine contains fully functional Dummy App that can be deployed to Heroku, DigitalOcean, private server ... anywhere.

Heroku deployment

OpenInvoice repository on GitHub is ready to be deployed to Heroku. Use the button below and fill up all required fields on the next page. It requires minimum setup and uses only add-ons with free plans. So you can try it at zero price.



Heroku application name

During the installation you have to choose unique application name. It serves as heroku app identifier and as a part of your application URL address.

Say, your app name is my-open-invoice. Then the URL where installed app is hosted would be

It is possible to change application URL to your custom domain. But you will loose heroku SSL free support, since using Heroku SSL requires payed dynos.

See heroku docs for more information about how to configure your custom domain.

Heroku ENV

There are 3 required ENV variables for one-click setup: OPEN_INVOICE_APP_NAME, OPEN_INVOICE_DOMAIN, OPEN_INVOICE_HOST. See ENV variables section.

Heroku AddOns

We use the following AddOns to make Dummy App work. Free plan limits are available here (updated 10/04/2019). To find what actual limits are visit corresponding add-on pages.

Add-on Free limit Description
CloudCube Storage 5MB AWS S3 storage. Used to store invoices pdf files.
Heroku Redis Memory 25MB
Connections 20
Redis storage. Used for Rails session and cache storage.
Heroku Postgres Row limit 10,000
Connections 20
PostgreSQL database. Used to back our models.
SendGrid Emails per month 12,000 Email delivery platform. Used to notify recipients about newly assigned invoices.

Digital Ocean deployment

We've got plans to create a marketplace image with everything installed.

Here is the TODO list for DO droplet configuration.

  • create an ubuntu 18.04 droplet, add ssh key
  • add firewall and restrict outside access to all ports except:
    • 22 (ssh),
    • 80 (http),
    • 443 (https)
  • configure custom domain if any
  • create user "deploy", add to "sudo" group
    root@remote ~# adduser deploy
    root@remote ~# adduser deploy sudo
  • authorize ssh key to deploy user. ssh-copy-id won't work! password auth is disabled by default
    root@remote ~# mkdir /home/deploy/.ssh
    user@local ~$ scp ~/.ssh/ root@<droplet ip>:/home/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys
    root@remote ~# chown -R deploy:deploy /home/deploy/.ssh
    root@remote ~# chmod 700 /home/deploy/.ssh
    root@remote ~# chmod 600 /home/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • install postgresql
    root@remote ~# apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
    root@remote ~# su - postgres
    postgres@remote ~$ createuser deploy
    postgres@remote ~$ psql
    postgres=# alter user deploy with superuser; \q 
  • install redis-server and nginx
    root@remote ~# apt install redis-server nginx
  • under user deploy install rvm
    deploy@remote ~$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
    deploy@remote ~$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
  • create project directory
    deploy@remote ~$ mkdir open_invoice
  • put those environment variables to the beginning of .bashrc
    export RAILS_ENV="production"
    export RACK_ENV="production"
    export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
    export RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES="false"
    export OPEN_INVOICE_STORAGE="file"
    export OPEN_INVOICE_DIR_PREFIX="/home/deploy/open_invoice/shared/spec/dummy/storage"
    export OPEN_INVOICE_APP_NAME="Open Invoice DO"
    export OPEN_INVOICE_DOMAIN="<droplet ip or custom domain>"
    export OPEN_INVOICE_HOST="http://<droplet ip or custom domain>"
    export SECRET_KEY_BASE="<use 'rails secret' to generate key>"

ENV variables

Rails ENV

variable required example description
RAILS_ENV false production Rails environment
RACK_ENV false production Rack environment
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES false true/false Set to "true" if you want rails server to send files from public directory. When set to "false" rails will only process its own routes/controllers. You can disable serve static files by rails when using rails server on top of nginx or apache platforms
SECRET_KEY_BASE true asdasd232dasdas Random string. You can use rails secret to generate new secret key base.

OpenInvoice ENV

variable required example description
OPEN_INVOICE_APP_NAME true My Open Invoice Application instance name. It is used in page titles, outgoing emails, etc.
OPEN_INVOICE_DOMAIN true Application domain. Domain is used for mailer.
OPEN_INVOICE_HOST true Application host. Root application URL.
file means storing within the webserver filesystem
aws means object storage aws-s3-like
OPEN_INVOICE_DIR_PREFIX false /some/absolute/path
when storage=file this option configures local storage folder
when storage=aws this option configures remote object name path
storage == aws 123
AWS S3 storage credentials.
OPEN_INVOICE_MAILER_FROM false Default "from" field value for mailer

Heroku-specific ENV

  • CloudCube aws-s3 add-on adds CLOUDCUBE_ACCESS_KEY_ID, CLOUDCUBE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, CLOUDCUBE_URL. When CLOUDCUBE_ACCESS_KEY_ID is present, then dummy's initializer is able to configure AWS access.
  • SendGrid mail delivery add-on adds SENDGRID_USERNAME and SENDGRID_PASSWORD. When SENDGRID_USERNAME is present, dummy's initializer adds SendGrid configuration to ActionMailer.