building the first 2 pages (Home and About pages) of a fantasy consultant and integrator engineering services company that i dreamed to establish before and the website is try to advertise and attract engineering students to join our upcoming job fair. the website design is suitable for mobile and Dektop devices. that was done by choosing This Template that is actually designed by this creative graphic desginer Guy Cindy Shin in Behance.
- html , css and javascript
Here is a video that illustrate the main idea of my websites the functionalities and show well how my website is so responsive no matter the used device width
You can download the page by clicking in the code green button and select Download ZIP or if you are a developer
you can get the https link or ssh link just copy it and use your favourite command line git interface and write this git clone
if you use https or write
if you use ssh and then after installition you can run the application by just clicking on index.html inside my-portfolio directory
👤 Author1
- GitHub: @mohamed20163858
- Twitter: @mohamed20163858
- LinkedIn: mohamed-mohsen-685a4995
- all credits goes to this creative graphic desginer Guy Cindy Shin in Behance the author of original design .
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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This project is MIT licensed.