first update pip (python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip) and pipenv (pip install --upgrade pipenv)
1-pipenv install django
2-pipenv shell //for activate
3-django-admin startproject
4-pipenv install django-debug-toolbar
5-pipenv install mysqlclient
6-command("mysql -u root -p") ensure install mysql correctly
7-??(pipenv install djangorestframework)
8-pip install djoser
9-pipenv install djangorestframework_simplejwt
**-if we want install nested router can install it with "pipenv install drf-nested-routers"
10-pipenv install pillow
11-pipenv install drf-nested-routers"
12-pipenv install drf-base64
#pip install django-rest-swagger
#pip install -U drf-yasg
**Generally, keep both Pipfile and Pipfile.lock in version control.
**Do not keep Pipfile.lock in version control if multiple versions of Python are being targeted.