This project enables motor power and speed control via a mobile app using the Blynk platform. The system uses an ATmega32P microcontroller and an ESP8266 module for Wi-Fi communication. Real-time motor status is displayed on an LCD, and the motor's operation is controlled through the Blynk app.
- Remote Control: Adjust motor speed and direction using the Blynk app.
- LCD Display: Monitor motor speed and direction in real time.
- Start/Stop Functionality: Control motor operation via the app.
- ATmega32P Microcontroller
- ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module
- LCD Display
- Motor Driver
- Power Supply
- Mobile Device with Blynk App
- Atmel Studio (for ATmega32P code)
- Arduino IDE (for ESP8266 code)
- Blynk Mobile App
The main code for the microcontroller is written in C using Atmel Studio. The code handles motor speed and direction control, communication with the Blynk app via UART, and real-time data display on an LCD.
The ESP8266 code facilitates communication between the ATmega32P and the Blynk app over Wi-Fi.
Watch the project in action: Watch the video
- Upload the provided code to the ATmega32P microcontroller.
- Set up the ESP8266 module with the provided code.
- Note: The Wi-Fi settings in the code are unconfigured. Before uploading the code, replace the placeholder values with your specific Wi-Fi credentials (SSID and password).
- Connect all hardware components as per the circuit diagram.
- Open the Blynk app and connect to the ESP8266 module.
- Use the app to control motor speed and direction.