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FontCollector for Advanced SubStation Alpha file. This tool allows to recover and/or mux the fonts necessary in an mkv.


pip install FontCollector



$ fontcollector --help
usage: fontcollector [-h] --input [INPUT ...] [-mkv MKV] [--output OUTPUT] [-mkvpropedit MKVPROPEDIT] [--delete-fonts] [--additional-fonts ADDITIONAL_FONTS [ADDITIONAL_FONTS ...]]
                     [--additional-fonts-recursive ADDITIONAL_FONTS_RECURSIVE [ADDITIONAL_FONTS_RECURSIVE ...]] [--exclude-system-fonts] [--collect-draw-fonts] [--dont-convert-variable-to-collection]
                     [--logging [LOGGING]]

FontCollector for Advanced SubStation Alpha file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input [INPUT ...], -i [INPUT ...]
                        Subtitles file. Must be an ASS file/directory. You can specify more than one .ass file/path.
  -mkv MKV
                        Video where the fonts will be merge. Must be a Matroska file.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Destination path of the font. If -o and -mkv aren't specified, it will be the current path.
  -mkvpropedit MKVPROPEDIT
                        Path to mkvpropedit.exe if not in variable environments. If -mkv is not specified, it will do
  --delete-fonts, -d
                        If -d is specified, it will delete the font attached to the mkv before merging the new needed
                        font. If -mkv is not specified, it will do nothing.
                        May be a directory containing font files or a single font file. You can specify more than one
                        If it is a directory, it won't search recursively for fonts
                        Path to font directory, which will be recursively searched for fonts.
                        If specified, FontCollector won't use the system font to find the font used by an .ass file.
                        If specified, FontCollector will collect the font used by the draw. For more detail when this
                        is usefull, see:
                        If specified, FontCollector won't convert variable font to a font collection. see:
  --logging [LOGGING], -log [LOGGING]
                        Destination path of log. If it isn't specified, it will be YYYY-MM-DD--HH-MM-SS_font_collector.log.


Recover fonts from 2 .ass files and save them in the current folder

fontCollector -i "file1.ass" "file2.ass"

Take all the .ass files from the current folder and save the font in the current folder

fontCollector -i .

Mux font from .ass file into an mkv

fontCollector -i "file1.ass" -mkv "example.mkv" -mkvpropedit "C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvpropedit.exe"

Mux the font from the .ass file into an mkv and delete the currently attached fonts.

fontCollector -i "file1.ass" -mkv "example.mkv" -mkvpropedit "C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvpropedit.exe" -d

Variable Font

Since Libass does not support variable font, this tool will automatically generate a OpenType Font Collection. The generated collection is designed to simulate how VSFilter/GDI handles variable font.


  • fontmerge for the idea to automatically merge the font into the mkv.
  • Myaamori-Aegisub-Scripts Without this tool, I probably could never have created the fontCollector. I got a lot of inspiration from his work.
  • PyonFX I inspired myself from his to create mine.
  • rcombs for her help with how VSFilter pick font when faux-bold need to be applied.
  • assfc for all the idea behind the font_loader.
  • Christopher Leung for his help on how GDI handle variable font.