Private Thought Logging Application for your needs. Customise to your own will.
- Made the application (supposedly) faster.
- Improved program error logging. #6
- Window stretch on low resolutions (1366x768, etc)
- Clone the repository, using
git clone
- Run
After finishing the installation process, you must launch the app. And you'll be greeted with this.
This is the interface. Type your feelings into the bar and then press Enter
to log the text into Profile 1 or press Shift+Enter
to log the text into Profile 2.
Clicking the See Log
button will open the last edited log file i.e. in which you have last entered.
Tip: Press escape
key to close the window quickly.
Clicking on the Delete Log
button will open this dialog, in which you can choose to delete any of the two profiles.
Ok this might be a little hard for the dum-dums, but you can do it.
So, head over to your My Documents folder and find the 'Thought Logger' folder. There, you will find the ThoughtLogger.ini file. Click it and you'll find something like this-
Change the customtext
value to the text you'd like to appear. Remember, there is a limit of 22 characters.
Change the backgroundcolor
value to the hex code of the color you'd like to appear. For example #000000
is for black.
Change the fontcolor
value to the hex code of the color you'd like to appear. For example #fff
is for white.
You can use AutoHotkey to open your ThoughtLogger application with just a shortcut. Just run the Run ThoughtLogger.ahk script from the files.
By default, the shortcut is set to Ctrl+Alt+T
. You can change it with yourself. Just go throught their Documentation
Note: AutoHotkey is needed to be installed for this.
Just click this button on the top corner of the page
And pull requests!