Version 4.0.7
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Below features added:
-Added new order status “Completed” which is set when Mollie order is finished.
-Added option for PS1.7 to choose when to send order_conf email to the customer.
-Added new Mollie_payment email template that has Mollie payment link.
-Added “Second chance email button” in admin order list. Orders with Mollie payment will have option which allows merchant to send Mollie_payment email to the customer where he can finish his order payment.
-Added option to create order with Mollie payment from back office and send Mollie_payment mail to customer where he can finish his order.
-Added logic where cart is saved for customer if he returns back to checkout from Mollie payment page (due to possible security vulnerabilities we removed voucher restoration if such have been added to cart).
-Added missing translations.
-Added functionality where merchant can exclude countries if all countries are selected for payment option.
Below issues fixed:
-Changed locale settings and fixed issue where webshop locale was not sent to mollie if option is selected.
-Improved settings descriptions.
-Fixed issues with credit card and order API.
-Improved UX of Payments Enabling/Disabling function from visual side.
-Shipping order status fixed.