Version 4.0.9
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
- Improved payment settings UI. Now test and live API has separated payment settings so that you can more easily swap between test and live API.
- Added order status field modifier that hides deleted mollie statuses in Back-office order status tab.
- New Mollie tab logo in side bar.
- Improved descriptions in Module configuration tab.
Below issues fixed:
- Fixed issue with order amount bigger then 1000. Mollie wouldn’t accept amount if it was displayed like 1,000.00. Now we send amount like 1000.00.
- Fixed issue with one page checkout in PS1.6 where payments are rendered after carrier is selected.
- Fixed issues with order API when cart has free product as gift.
- Fixed issue where Module tab in side bar would have no style and logo if module is disabled.
- Preventing double click payment method issue to create multiple orders in PS1.6
- Fixed Manual Order creation bug in BO