This is the repository for the CUPS2MQTT project. The goal of this project is to provide a way to monitor the status of a CUPS print server and its print queues/printers and send the status to an MQTT broker.
Additionally, this projects will provide the data to Home Assistant via the MQTT Discovery feature.
Status: Basic functionality in place, Docker image available on Docker Hub.
- MQTT and CUPS connection details configurable
- Allows secure connection to MQTT broker and CUPS server
- Allows verification of TLS certificates through system CA store
- Allows TLS without verification of server certificate
- Name, description, state and job count of printqueues are sent to MQTT broker
- Supports job details
- Home Assistant MQTT Discovery support
- Support for topology discovery
- Online/Offline status (using LWT?)
- Control of print queues via MQTT
- Pause/Resume print queues
- Cancel print jobs
- Restart print jobs
- Add print jobs
- Ink or toner levels
- Error reporting through Sentry
- Handling disappeared print queues
- MQTT LWT support
- Application packaging
- Docker image
- Anything else, like Windows installer or perhaps a Homebrew package
This a limitation of webpki, as such rusttls can't create such connections at the moment, as such rumqttc can't create such connections.
Simply connect by hostname, if your server's hostname cannot be resolved using DNS, a workaround could be to add the hostname to your OS'es hosts