Xpathvalidator is java-based configurable XML validator libary.
To use:
Include the xpathvalidator.jar on your classpath
Create your custom validator class by implementing one of the included interfaces:
- org.sitenv.xml.xpathvalidator.engine.MultipleXPathNodeValidator
- Use this validator interface to return multiple validation results from a single validator
- org.sitenv.xml.xpathvalidator.engine.XPathNodeValidator
- Use this validator interface to return a single validation result from a single validator
- org.sitenv.xml.xpathvalidator.engine.MultipleXPathNodeValidator
Create a configuration xml file to specify the use of the validator. The configuration file should be int the following syntax:
<configuration> <expression xpathExpression="ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/code"> <validator className="org.sitenv.xml.validators.ccda.CcdaCodeValidator" /> </expression> </configuration>
Initialize the Validation Engine and pass it a file to validate.
private static XPathValidationEngine engine = null; . . . engine = new XPathValidationEngine(); File file = new File("path/to/fileToBeValidate"); engine.initialize(props.getProperty("path/to/configFile.xml")); List<XPathValidatorResult> results = engine.validate(file.getInputStream());