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Add 30 more C++ quotes (id: 3-32) (#3244) R0merol
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farisfaikar authored Jun 27, 2022
1 parent 1047863 commit da26618
Showing 1 changed file with 180 additions and 0 deletions.
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions frontend/static/quotes/code_c++.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,186 @@
"source": "Quake III Arena Source Code (Fast Inverse Square Root)",
"length": 377,
"id": 2
"text": "#include <iostream>\\nint main() {\\n\\tint arr1[10];\\n\\tconst int n = 10;\\n\\tint arr2[n];\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Arrays",
"length": 103,
"id": 3
"text": "int main() { int arr[6] = {10, 20, 30, 40}; }",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Arrays",
"length": 45,
"id": 4
"text": "#include <stdio.h>\\nint main() {\\n\\tint arr[5];\\n\\tarr[0] = 5;\\n\\tarr[2] = -10;\\n\\tarr[3 / 2] = 2;\\n\\tarr[3] = arr[0];\\n\\tprintf(\"%d %d %d %d\", arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3]);\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Arrays",
"length": 192,
"id": 5
"text": "#include <iostream>\\nusing namespace std;\\nint main() {\\n\\tint x[3][2] = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}};\\n\\tfor (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\\n\\t\\tfor (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {\\n\\t\\t\\tcout << \"Element at x[\" << i << \"][\" << j << \"]: \";\\n\\t\\t\\tcout << x[i][j] << endl;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Multidimensional Arrays",
"length": 285,
"id": 6
"text": "#include <cstring>\\n#include <iostream>\\nusing namespace std;\\nint main() {\\n\\tchar str[] = \"This is a string\";\\n\\tchar *ch = strrchr(str, 'a');\\n\\tcout << ch - str + 1;\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - strrchr() function in C/C++",
"length": 185,
"id": 7
"text": "#include <iostream>\\nint max(int x, int y) {\\n\\tif (x > y)\\n\\t\\treturn x;\\n\\telse\\n\\t\\treturn y;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Functions in C/C++",
"length": 99,
"id": 8
"text": "#include <iostream>\\nusing namespace std;\\nint main() {\\n\\tint a = 10, b = 20;\\n\\tint m = max(a, b);\\n\\tcout << \"m is \" << m;\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Functions in C/C++",
"length": 141,
"id": 9
"text": "void fun(int x) { x = 30; }",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Functions in C/C++",
"length": 27,
"id": 10
"text": "void fun(int *ptr) { *ptr = 30; }",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Functions in C/C++",
"length": 33,
"id": 11
"text": "class CImage {\\npublic:\\n\\tCImage();\\n\\t~CImage();\\n\\tstruct SImageInfo *pImageInfo;\\n\\tvoid Rotate(double angle);\\n\\tvoid Scale(double scaleFactorX, double scaleFactorY);\\n\\tvoid Move(int toX, int toY);\\nprivate:\\n\\tvoid InitImageInfo();\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Opaque Pointer",
"length": 242,
"id": 12
"text": "#include <iostream>\\nusing namespace std;\\nvoid swap(int &first, int &second) {\\n\\tint temp = first;\\n\\tfirst = second;\\n\\tsecond = temp;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - References",
"length": 140,
"id": 13
"text": "struct Student {\\n\\tstring name;\\n\\tstring address;\\n\\tint rollNo;\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - References",
"length": 70,
"id": 14
"text": "void print(const Student &s) {\\n\\tcout << << \" \" << s.address << \" \" << s.rollNo << '\\n';\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - References",
"length": 101,
"id": 15
"text": "#include <iostream>\\n#include <vector>\\nusing namespace std;\\nint main() {\\n\\tvector<int> vect{10, 20, 30, 40};\\n\\tfor (int &x : vect) {\\n\\t\\tx = x + 5;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfor (int x : vect) {\\n\\t\\tcout << x << \" \";\\n\\t}\\n\\tcout << '\\n';\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - References",
"length": 242,
"id": 16
"text": "int &fun() {\\n\\tstatic int x = 10;\\n\\treturn x;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - References",
"length": 50,
"id": 17
"text": "int fun(int &x) { return x; }",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - References",
"length": 29,
"id": 18
"text": "class Test {\\nprivate:\\n\\tint x;\\npublic:\\n\\tvoid setX(int x) { this->x = x; }\\n\\tvoid print() { cout << \"x = \" << x << endl; }\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - 'this' pointer in C++",
"length": 131,
"id": 19
"text": "Test &Test::func() {\\n\\t// Some processing\\n\\treturn *this;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - 'this' pointer in C++",
"length": 62,
"id": 20
"text": "class Test {\\nprivate:\\n\\tint x;\\npublic:\\n\\tTest(int x = 0) { this->x = x; }\\n\\tvoid change(Test *t) { this = t; }\\n\\tvoid print() { cout << \"x = \" << x << endl; }\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - 'this' pointer in C++",
"length": 168,
"id": 21
"text": "class person {\\n\\tchar name[20];\\n\\tint id;\\npublic:\\n\\tvoid getdetails() {}\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Object Oriented Programming in C++",
"length": 80,
"id": 22
"text": "class Geeks {\\npublic:\\n\\tstring geekname;\\n\\tvoid printname() { cout << \"Geekname is: \" << geekname; }\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - C++ Classes and Objects",
"length": 107,
"id": 23
"text": "class Geeks {\\npublic:\\n\\tint id;\\n\\t~Geeks() { cout << \"Destructor called for id: \" << id << endl; }\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - C++ Classes and Objects",
"length": 105,
"id": 24
"text": "int main() {\\n\\tGeeks obj1;\\n\\ = 7;\\n\\tint i = 0;\\n\\twhile (i < 5) {\\n\\t\\tGeeks obj2;\\n\\t\\ = i;\\n\\t\\ti++;\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - C++ Classes and Objects",
"length": 142,
"id": 25
"text": "class Person {\\n\\tint id;\\n\\tchar name[100];\\npublic:\\n\\tvoid set_p();\\n\\tvoid display_p();\\n};\\nvoid Person::set_p() {\\n\\tcout << \"Enter the Id:\";\\n\\tcin >> id;\\n\\tfflush(stdin);\\n\\tcout << \"Enter the Name:\";\\n\\tcin.get(name, 100);\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Inheritance in C++",
"length": 235,
"id": 26
"text": "void Person::display_p() { cout << endl << id << \"\\t\" << name; }",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Inheritance in C++",
"length": 64,
"id": 27
"text": "class Student : private Person {\\n\\tchar course[50];\\n\\tint fee;\\npublic:\\n\\tvoid set_s();\\n\\tvoid display_s();\\n};",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Inheritance in C++",
"length": 115,
"id": 28
"text": "void Student::set_s() {\\n\\tset_p();\\n\\tcout << \"Enter the Course Name:\";\\n\\tfflush(stdin);\\n\\tcin.getline(course, 50);\\n\\tcout << \"Enter the Course Fee:\";\\n\\tcin >> fee;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Inheritance in C++",
"length": 172,
"id": 29
"text": "void Student::display_s() {\\n\\tdisplay_p();\\n\\tcout << \"t\" << course << \"\\t\" << fee;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Inheritance in C++",
"length": 87,
"id": 30
"text": "int main() {\\n\\tStudent s;\\n\\ts.set_s();\\n\\ts.display_s();\\n\\treturn 0;\\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Inheritance in C++",
"length": 74,
"id": 31
"text": "void Person::set_p(int id, char n[]) {\\n\\tthis->id = id;\\n\\tstrcpy(this->name, n);\\t \\n}",
"source": "geeksforgeeks - Inheritance in C++",
"length": 90,
"id": 32

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