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[kaggle] M5 Forecasting - Accuracy 4th place solution

This document shows how to reproduce 4th place solution for the M5 Forecasting - Accuracy competition. If you run into any trouble with the setup/code or have any questions please contact me at

Server specs to reproduce the original solution

  • AWS EC2
    • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-0ac80df6eff0e70b5 (64 bit x86)
    • m5.2xlarge (8 vCPUs, 16 GB memory, 100GB storage)

Setup environment

Deploy code

cd {path-to-dir}
cd {path-to-dir}/kaggle-m5a-4th

Install pyenv + pipenv

git clone -b v1.2.16 ~/.pyenv
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev -y
pyenv install 3.7.6
pyenv local 3.7.6
pip install pipenv

Install python requirements

pipenv install -r ./requirements.txt
pipenv shell

Install other tools

sudo apt install tree unzip

Download raw data from kaggle and extract it

mkdir -p {path-to-dir}/kaggle-m5a-4th/raw
cd {path-to-dir}/kaggle-m5a-4th/raw

How to run

Show help

cd {path-to-dir}/kaggle-m5a-4th
python ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-ddp DATA_DIR_PATH] [-opn OUTPUT_NAME]
                   [-spr SAMPLING_RATE] [-flc FOLD_ID_LIST_CSV]
                   [-plc PREDICTION_HORIZON_LIST_CSV]

Optional arguments

  • data_dir_path (default: '.')
    • root data directory path
  • output_name (default: 'default')
    • output directory name
  • sampling_rate (default: 1.0)
    • if sampling_rate is less than 1.0, items in dataset are randomly sampled
  • fold_id_list_csv (default: '1941')
    • fold_id is the last day of training data
      • fold_id = 1941 : train d1 - d1941, predict d1942 - d1969 : for submission
      • fold_id = 1913 : train d1 - d1913, predict d1914 - d1941 : for validation 1
      • fold_id = 1885 : train d1 - d1885, predict d1886 - d1913 : for validation 2
      • fold_id = 1857 : train d1 - d1857, predict d1858 - d1885 : for validation 3
      • fold_id = 1829 : train d1 - d1829, predict d1830 - d1857 : for validation 4
      • fold_id = 1577 : train d1 - d1577, predict d1578 - d1605 : for validation 5
    • Multiple fold_id can be specified
      • e.g. : '1941,1913,1885,1857,1829,1577'
  • prediction_horizon_list_csv (default: '7,14,21,28')
    • weekly model : '7,14,21,28'
    • monthly model : '28'
    • day-by-day model : '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28'

Train and predict from scratch

cd {path-to-dir}/kaggle-m5a-4th
python ./

Check result

cd {path-to-dir}/kaggle-m5a-4th/output/default
tree .
├── log
│   └── m5a_main_yyyy_mmdd.log
├── model
│   └── 1941
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_1_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_1_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_1_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_1_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_2_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_2_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_2_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_2_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_3_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_3_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_3_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_3_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_4_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_4_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_4_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_CA_4_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_1_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_1_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_1_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_1_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_2_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_2_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_2_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_2_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_3_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_3_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_3_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_TX_3_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_1_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_1_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_1_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_1_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_2_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_2_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_2_28.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_2_7.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_3_14.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_3_21.bin
│       ├── lgb_model_WI_3_28.bin
│       └── lgb_model_WI_3_7.bin
└── result
    └── 1941
        ├── feature_importance_CA_1_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_1_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_1_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_1_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_2_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_2_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_2_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_2_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_3_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_3_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_3_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_3_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_4_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_4_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_4_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_CA_4_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_1_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_1_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_1_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_1_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_2_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_2_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_2_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_2_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_3_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_3_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_3_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_TX_3_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_1_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_1_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_1_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_1_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_2_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_2_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_2_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_2_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_3_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_3_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_3_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_WI_3_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_agg_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_agg_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_agg_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_agg_7.csv
        ├── feature_importance_all_14.csv
        ├── feature_importance_all_21.csv
        ├── feature_importance_all_28.csv
        ├── feature_importance_all_7.csv
        ├── holdout.csv
        ├── pred_h_14.csv
        ├── pred_h_21.csv
        ├── pred_h_28.csv
        ├── pred_h_7.csv
        ├── pred_h_all.csv
        ├── pred_v_14.csv
        ├── pred_v_21.csv
        ├── pred_v_28.csv
        ├── pred_v_7.csv
        ├── pred_v_all.csv
        └── submission.csv


I would like to appreciate the participants and organizers of the competition very much. I have learned a lot from this competition and community. Thank you to all the kaggle community members.



[kaggle] M5 Forecasting - Accuracy (4th place solution)






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