To build, you'll need Vulkan, glm, and stbi image lib. Compile using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.
- Press 'F' for Fullscreen
- WSAD to move, E to JUMP
- SPACE to open doors
- Q/Z to cycle weapons/spells
- Left mouse button to attack, right mouse button to move forward
- Press F5 to Load game, F6 to Save game
- G - Toggle gravity (Keypad +/- move up, move down)
- I - Disable music
- P - Random music
- X - Give experience points
- K - Give all weapons and spells
- B - Toggle Camera head bob
- N - Toggle Normal map
- ] - Next Dungeon Level
- [ - Previous Dungeon Level
Dungeon Stomp for DirectX12, is avaiable Dungeon Stomp DirectX12.
Thanks to baeng72 for the C++ Vulkan examples VulkanIntroD3DPort.