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Releases: mootensai/yii2-enhanced-gii

Version 1.0.0 Release!!

21 Aug 12:58
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Please see closed issues for bug fixes!

New Feature & Bug Fix!

05 Mar 04:38
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New Feature

  1. #46 feature added! Thanks to Arjen-Meijer

Bug Fixed

  1. #44
  2. #45
  3. #48

Bug Detail data view on index fixed!

22 Feb 08:13
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Bug Detail data view on index fixed!

Lots of bugs fixed!!

17 Feb 13:59
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Sorry I've been busy lately!

New Feature

  1. Added new Expandable Row feature!
  2. Added new Cancelable Form feature!
  3. Detail data grid view is gone if there's no data (thanks to Arjen Meijer)

Bug fixes

  1. Fix error on generate pdf if you primary key is not 'id'
  2. Lots of bug fixed on PLEASE UPDATE!


Model Generator

new enhanced gii - model

CRUD Generator

new enhanced gii - crud


new enhanced gii - index new


new enhanced gii - view


new enhanced gii - update

deleteRow() bug fixed with more addition

28 Jul 05:33
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Add new feature :
Generate base model only
Generate AttributeHints
Generate Logged User Only on controller

bug fix :
deleteRow bug fixed (Thanks to Wolfgang Bienert)
Add deleteWithChildren on controller
Model namespace bug when generate model

addRow() JS bug fixed!

11 Jul 04:10
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fixing bug on JS that happen when you have a lot of relations on one form

All Is Well

10 Jul 13:58
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All is well