Deprecated! This library is not actively developed. Check out react-native-aws-cognito-js instead.
provides a React Native module for integrating with AWS Cognito.
Features currently supported:
- dataset:synchronize
- dataset:subscribe
- dataset:unsubscrib
- proper callbacks + events
- promises
- twitter auth support
- google auth support
- custom login support
Currently the following identity providers are supported:
In development:
does not handle authentication with identity providers such as Facebook. You have to use react-native-facebook-login or similar to get a valid access token to use with react-native-cognito
Make sure you install the AWS Mobile SDK.
import React from 'react-native';
import Cognito from 'react-native-cognito';
import LoginStore from '../stores/#Store';
let region = 'eu-west-1';
let identityPoolId = 'your_cognito_identity_pool_id';
class Demo extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// Load login credentials from flux store.
this.state = LoginStore.getState();
// Provide credentials to Cognito.
this.state.credentials.token, // <- Facebook access token
// Sync data
Cognito.syncData('testDataset', 'hello', 'world', (err) => {
// callback
// handle errors etc
First, install via npm:
$ npm install --save react-native-cognito
Add RCTCognito.xcodeproj to Libraries and add libRCTCognito.a to Link Binary With Libraries under Build Phases. More info and screenshots about how to do this is available in the React Native documentation.
Next, select RCTCognito.xcodeproj and add your AWS SDK path to Framework Search Paths under Build Settings.
Disclaimer: experimental i.e., don't use
Edit android/settings.gradle
and add the following lines:
include ':react-native-cognito'
project(':react-native-cognito').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node-modules/react-native-cognito/android')
Edit android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-cognito')
Edit android/app/src/main/java/com/myApp/
// Import package
import com.morcmarc.rctcognito.ReactCognitoPackage;
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler {
// declare package
private ReactCognitoPackage mReactCognitoPackage;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mReactRootView = new ReactRootView(this);
// Instantiate package
mReactCognitoPackage = new ReactCognitoPackage(this);
mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder()
// Register the package
You might have to add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
This software is licensed under the MIT License.
React and React Native are BSD licensed. Facebook also provide an additional patent grant.