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Merge pull request #68 from morinlab/kdreval-dev
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Functionality to prepare matrix for NMF clustering + bug fixes
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Kdreval authored Apr 1, 2022
2 parents 9da49a6 + 071403c commit 0812e2c
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Showing 11 changed files with 329 additions and 13 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ export(intersect_maf)
Expand Down
133 changes: 128 additions & 5 deletions R/utilities.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1697,6 +1697,10 @@ get_gambl_colours = function(classification = "all",
everything = c()
blood_cols = ggsci::get_ash("blood")

all_colours[["seq_type"]] = c("mrna" = "#E41A1C",
"genome" = "#377EB8",
"capture" = "#4DAF4A")

all_colours[["type"]] = c("gain" = "blue",
"loss" = "red")

Expand All @@ -1717,7 +1721,7 @@ get_gambl_colours = function(classification = "all",
all_colours[["BL"]] = c("M53-BL" = "#A6CEE3",
"DLBCL-1" = "#721F0F",
"IC-BL" = "#45425A",
"DGG-BL" = "#33A02C",
"DGG-BL" = "#E90C8BFF",
"DLBCL-2" = "#FB9A99",
"DLBCL-3" = "#C41230")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2098,8 +2102,8 @@ FtestCNV = function(gistic_lesions,

# rename columns to match with comparison groups and save resulting df as part of the output
`colnames=`(gsub("GROUP1", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[1], colnames(.))) %>%
`colnames=`(gsub("GROUP2", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[2], colnames(.)))
`colnames<-`(gsub("GROUP1", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[1], colnames(.))) %>%
`colnames<-`(gsub("GROUP2", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[2], colnames(.)))

message("Successfully completed step 1/3...")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2171,8 +2175,8 @@ FtestCNV = function(gistic_lesions,

# rename columns to match with comparison groups
study_table = study_table %>%
`colnames =`(gsub("GROUP1", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[1], colnames(.))) %>%
`colnames =`(gsub("GROUP2", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[2], colnames(.)))
`colnames<-`(gsub("GROUP1", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[1], colnames(.))) %>%
`colnames<-`(gsub("GROUP2", GROUPS.TO.COMPARE[2], colnames(.)))

# actual plot
GRAPH = metaviz::viz_forest(x = mergedPassed[, c("OddsRatio", "SE")],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2466,3 +2470,122 @@ collate_lymphgen = function(sample_table,


#' Will prepare the data frame of binary matrix to be used as NMF input. This means that for the features with SSM and CNV,
#' they will be squished together as one feature named GeneName-MUTorAMP or GeneName-MUTorLOSS, so the CNV features in the input data frame are expected
#' to be named GeneName_AMP or GeneName_LOSS. Next, for the genes with hotspot mutations labelled in the input data as
#' GeneNameHOTSPOT, the feature for hotspot mutation will be given preference and SSM with/without CNV will be set to 0 for that sample.
#' The naming scheme of the features as in this description is important, because the function uses regex to searh for these patters as specified.
#' Finally, if any features are provided to be dropped explicitly, they will be removed, and then the features not meeting the specified minimal
#' frequency will be removed, as well as any samples with 0 features.
#' Consistent with NMF input, in the input data frame each row is a feature, and each column is a sample. The input is expected to be numeric 1/0 with row and column names.
#' @param incoming_data Input data frame or matrix to prepare for NMF.
#' @param blacklisted_cnv_regex Regular expression to match in feature names when considering SSM/CNV overlap.
#' @param drop_these_features Optional argument with features to drop from resulting matrix.
#' @param min_feature_percent Minimum frequency for the feature to be returned in the resulting matrix. By default, features present in less than 0.5% of samples will be discarded.
#' @return A matrix compatible with NMF input.
#' @export
#' @import tidyverse
#' @examples
#' data = system.file("extdata", "sample_matrix.tsv", package = "GAMBLR") %>% read_tsv() %>% column_to_rownames("Feature")
#' NMF_input = massage_matrix_for_clustering(data)

massage_matrix_for_clustering = function(incoming_data,
min_feature_percent = 0.005){

# if there is a CNV and mutation at the same gene, squish these features together
message("Searching for overlapping CNV and mutation features to squish together ...")
feat_with_cnv_data = rownames(incoming_data)[grepl("AMP|LOSS", rownames(incoming_data))]
output_data = incoming_data

for (g in feat_with_cnv_data){
this_feature = unlist(strsplit(g, split='_', fixed=TRUE))
red_features <- rownames(output_data)[grepl(this_feature[1], rownames(output_data))]
red_features <- red_features[!grepl(blacklisted_cnv_regex, red_features)] # these features to be kept separately
message(paste0("Found redundant features for gene ", red_features[1], ", processing ..."))
output_data[,output_data[red_features[2],]>0][red_features,][red_features[1],] = 1
rownames(output_data)[rownames(output_data)==red_features[1]] = paste0(this_feature[1],
output_data = output_data[!rownames(output_data) %in% red_features[2],]



# if there is a hotspot and SSM for same gene, give priority to hotspot
message("Searching for overlapping HOTSPOT and mutation features to squish together ...")
feat_with_hotspot_data = rownames(output_data)[grepl("HOTSPOT", rownames(output_data))]
for (hot in feat_with_hotspot_data){
this_gene=gsub("HOTSPOT","", hot)
# this gene may also have CNV data already squished
maybe_cnv = grepl("MUTor",
if("TRUE" %in% maybe_cnv){ # if it has the cnv data then use the name of gene with LOSS or AMP respectively
this_gene = rownames(output_data[grepl(this_gene, rownames(output_data)),])[maybe_cnv]
message(paste0("Found hotspot for gene ", this_gene, " that also has CNV data, processing ..."))
output_data[,(output_data[c(this_gene),]>0 & output_data[c(hot),]==1)][c(this_gene, hot),][c(this_gene),] = 0
}else{ # otherwise just use the gene nae
message(paste0("Found hotspot for gene ", this_gene, ", processing ..."))
output_data[,(output_data[c(this_gene),]>0 & output_data[c(hot),]==1)][c(this_gene, hot),][c(this_gene),] = 0
# if the above statement work, then there should be no overlaps between hotspot and any other mutations
# for the same gene
if(length(output_data[,(output_data[c(this_gene),]>0 & output_data[c(hot),]==1)][c(this_gene, hot),][c(this_gene),])==0){
message(paste0("Problem occured with the ", feat_with_hotspot_data, " and the gene ", this_gene, "and there is still overlap between mutation and hotspot."))

# did user provide any features they would like to drop from matrix?
message("You provided features to be dropped from matrix, removing them ...")
output_data =
output_data[!rownames(output_data) %in% drop_these_features,]

# drop features that are occuring at a very low frequency
low_feat = which(rowSums(output_data) <= floor(ncol(output_data)*min_feature_percent))
if (length(low_feat)>0){
message(paste0 ("There are ", length(low_feat), " features underrepresented and not meeting the minimum frequency of ", min_feature_percent))
output_data = output_data[-c(low_feat),]
message(paste0 ("There are ", length(low_feat), " features not meeting the minimum frequency of ", min_feature_percent))
message("Proceeding without dropping any feature ...")

# are there any samples with 0 features? Yes, 1 exome and 1 genome
samples_with_zero_feat = which(colSums(output_data) == 0)
if (length(samples_with_zero_feat)>0){
message(paste0 ("There are ", length(samples_with_zero_feat), " samples with no features and they will be dropped from matrix: "))
output_data = output_data[, -c(samples_with_zero_feat)]
message("All samples in your matrix are having at least one feature. Proceeding without dropping any samples ...")

# convert to matrix explicitly to make it NMF-input compatible
output_data = as.matrix(output_data)


21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions R/viz.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2185,7 +2185,7 @@ splendidHeatmap = function(this_matrix,
leftStackedWidth = 4,
metadataBarFontsize = 5,
groupNames = NULL){
comparison_groups <- unique(these_samples_metadata[,splitColumnName])
comparison_groups = colnames(importance_values)

if(!is.null(splitColumnName) & (splitColumnName %in% metadataColumns)){
metadataColumns = c(splitColumnName, metadataColumns[!metadataColumns == splitColumnName])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2235,20 +2235,23 @@ splendidHeatmap = function(this_matrix,
FEATURES <- w[,1] %>% %>%
`rownames<-`(rownames(w)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(.)) %>%
`names<-`("importance") %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(importance)) %>%
head(., max_number_of_features_per_group) %>%
rownames_to_column(., var = "Feature") %>%
dplyr::mutate(group = comparison_groups[1])
for (i in 2:length(comparison_groups)){
FEATURES = rbind(, w[,i] %>% %>%
`rownames = `(rownames(w)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(.)) %>%
`rownames<-`(rownames(w)) %>%
`names<-`("importance") %>%
arrange(desc(importance)) %>%
head(., max_number_of_features_per_group + 3) %>%
rownames_to_column(., var = "Feature") %>%
dplyr::mutate(group = comparison_groups[i])) %>%
dplyr::mutate(importance=as.numeric(importance)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Feature) %>%
dplyr::filter(. == max(.)) %>%
dplyr::filter(importance == max(importance)) %>%
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2324,7 +2327,7 @@ splendidHeatmap = function(this_matrix,
dplyr::select(-Tumor_Sample_Barcode, -splitColumnName) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(funs(sum)) %>%
t(.) %>%
`colnames=`(comparison_groups[i]) %>%
`colnames<-`(comparison_groups[i]) %>% %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(~(./i) / nrow(metadata_df)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2355,9 +2358,13 @@ splendidHeatmap = function(this_matrix,
annotation_legend_param = list(nrow = legend_row, ncol = legend_col, direction = legend_direction))

#top annotation: groups of interest to split on
top_bar_colors = list(my_colours[[splitColumnName]] %>% rev)
names(top_bar_colors) = splitColumnName
names(top_bar_colors[[splitColumnName]]) = names(top_bar_colors[[splitColumnName]]) %>% rev()

ha_top = HeatmapAnnotation(df = metadata_df[ (order(match(rownames(metadata_df), used_for_ordering))), ] %>%
dplyr::arrange(!!!syms(metadataColumns), desc(!!!syms(numericMetadataColumns))) %>%
dplyr::select(splitColumnName), col = my_colours[splitColumnName],
dplyr::select(splitColumnName), col = top_bar_colors,
simple_anno_size = unit(metadataBarHeight, "mm"),
gap = unit(0.25*metadataBarHeight, "mm"),
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = fontSizeGene * 1.5),
Expand Down
Binary file modified data/grch37_lymphoma_genes_bed.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/hg38_lymphoma_genes_bed.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/lymphoma_genes.rda
Binary file not shown.

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