In recent years, the research community has recognized the growing significance of artifact evaluation. Nonetheless, the ever-changing and unpredictable nature of the Web continues to present an unresolved challenge for achieving reproducible web measurements. This thesis explores the potential of public web archives, with a particular focus on the Internet Archive, in addressing this persistent issue.
Our analysis involves a comprehensive evaluation of the reliability of data sourced from the Internet Archive. We first conduct a longitudinal analysis spanning 7.5 years, ranging from 2016 to the present, to assess the extent of historical data coverage within the Internet Archive. While previous research has heavily relied on the Internet Archive to conduct historical web measurements, this reliance has largely been rooted in trust. To assess the validity of this trust, we evaluate the consistency of data stored in the Internet Archive via two case studies. Specifically, we analyze the prevalence of both syntactic and semantic differences in security header configurations, as well as variations in third-party JavaScript dependencies among Internet Archive snapshots that are in close temporal proximity. Finally, we explore the feasibility of leveraging the Internet Archive to simulate live web security measurements, thereby addressing the challenge of replicability in such studies.
Our findings affirm that the Internet Archive offers an extensive and densely populated repository of archival snapshots, highlighting its dependability for web measurements. However,we detect subtle pitfalls when conducting archive-based measurements and offer effective strategies for mitigation, including the concept of snapshot neighborhoods. Furthermore, we present a series of best practices tailored for future archive-based web measurements. In conclusion, we determine that the Internet Archive provides a reliable foundation for conducting reproducible web measurements.
Before crawling data, you have to set up a database and configure this project to use the database.
You have to set the corresponding constants in configs/
DB_PORT = 1337
Replace the DB_
variables with the corresponding values of your database.
Further, configure a path where crawling responses should be stored by setting the STORAGE
variable accordingly.
If you want to reduce the crawling duration of the Internet Archive experiments by distributing the requests over multiple IPs, add available SOCKS proxies to the corresponding mapping in configs/
# '<PORT>': '<REMOTE>',
To install the project, first set up a virtual environment via
python3 -m venv venv
After that, source the created venv
source venv/bin/activate
Next, install the python requirements via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, install the project via:
pip install src/
To simulate the experiments conducted in this thesis and crawl the IA, just run:
python3 src/data_collection/
To collect historical data of randomly sampled domains of the full Tranco Top 1M, first apply the following diff to data_collection/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from data_collection.crawling import setup, reset_failed_archive_crawls, partiti
class ArchiveJob(NamedTuple):
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def worker(jobs: list[ArchiveJob], table_name: str = TABLE_NAME) -> None:
""", (tranco_id, domain, timestamp, url, error.to_json()))
-def prepare_jobs(tranco_file: Path = get_absolute_tranco_file_path(),
+def prepare_jobs(tranco_file: Path = get_absolute_tranco_file_path('tranco_random_sample.1337.csv'),
timestamps: list[datetime] = TIMESTAMPS,
proxies: dict[str, str] | None = None,
n: int = NUMBER_URLS) -> list[ArchiveJob]:
After that, just run
python3 src/data_collection/
This previous step will only crawl a single snapshot per url and timestamp. If you want to crawl neighborhoods instead, first run:
python3 src/data_collection/ neighborhood_indexes
and after that
python3 src/data_collection/ neighborhoods
In addition to the raw archival data of the neighborhoods, we also want to collect corresponding snapshot metadata, like their contributors. To do so, run:
python3 src/data_collection/ archive_metadata
To conduct the experiment to analyze the stability of archival snapshots, first set the timestamp at data_collection/ in line 102 to the current date:
START_TIMESTAMP = datetime(2023, 7, 16, 12, tzinfo=UTC)
Then start the corresponding daily crawls, either manually via
python3 src/data_collection/ daily_archive
Or alternatively, add a cronjob that calls the utility shell script we provide at
To directly crawl the front page of all domains listed in the Tranco file run:
python3 src/data_collection/
Instead, e.g., if you want to set up a cronjob, we also provide a utility shell script at
To collect recent archival data that can be used to compare against live data, first apply the following diff to data_collection/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ from typing import NamedTuple
import requests
from configs.database import get_database_cursor
from configs.utils import get_absolute_tranco_file_path, get_tranco_data
from data_collection.crawling import setup, reset_failed_archive_crawls, partition_jobs, CrawlingException, crawl
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def main():
# Prepare and execute the crawl jobs
- jobs = prepare_jobs()
+ jobs = prepare_jobs(timestamps=[TODAY - timedelta(weeks=1)])
Then, analog to before, run:
python3 src/data_collection/
Before running the analysis scripts, we have to apply some post-processing to the raw data to extract the included JavaScript resources. To do so, simply run:
python3 src/analysis/post_processing/
Finally, we can run the analysis scritps.
First, we can analyze the coverage or archival snapshots:
python3 src/analysis/historical/
Then, we can analyze the neighborhoods
python3 src/analysis/historical/
as well as their consistency regarding security header configurations
python3 src/analysis/historical/
and third-party JavaScript dependencies
python3 src/analysis/historical/
Finally, we can start the decision-tree-based analysis to attempt to attribute the inconsistencies within neighborhoods to properties of their snapshots' metadata:
python3 src/analysis/historical/
To analyze the stability of live data, run:
python3 src/analysis/live/
To compare live and archival data, run:
python3 src/analysis/live/
Finally, to compute the overhead of the Internet Archive, run:
python3 src/analysis/live/
Finally, we can plot the results of the analysis. To do so, run all scripts in plotting/historical_analysis/ and plotting/live_analysis/ in arbitrary order.