The Brute Hacking framework is my version of PentestBox with updated tools and services but also with a few more updates of tools and updated interface.
What optimizations did you make in your code? E.g. refactors, performance improvements, accessibility improvements. I have also made sure that I install a proper installer and listing script to install new projects into the framework but it will also has a update-installer script to update the installer. The script is located on it is an updateable project just add it into its appropriate location and then configure the installer location after that save it and just use the update function on your brute-framework to update it.
The other optimization is that in the previous version everything was scattered and had a lot of useless tools so I organized it and removed some of the useless tools making it better for fast and reliable usage.
I also included Metasploit into the framework and this requires you to add exception in your antivirus software to run smoothly.
- Portable
- Does not require any software dependencies
- Fast and reliable
- Easily upgradable
- Contains more than 60+ tools and more space for improvement
Because I have integrated Metasploit framework into the package we might have to add an exception in your antivirus software to the folder you are installing if in
C:\bin or C:\brute-framework
Then add C:\bin in your antivirus exception it differs depending on your software installed just lookup on the docs or on the internet.
First run the brute-framework.exe
λ installer-update
List out the tools
λ list-tools
Run the tools for example
λ brute
The installation is easy you just need to have the requirements satisfied and the installer downloaded.
- 32GB or high USB 3.0 Pen drive
- Windows 10/11
- System must have at least 4GB ram with a reasonable processor That's it.
To run the project you need to first install the latest installer from my download links given below which gets updated once a new release is done.
After downloading just run the exe file accept the terms, select the install location and run the exe file once installed.
To Download fully working Brute-Framework V1 you can follow 2 method's
Downloads The installer file from this link:
Run the File and download it in your
- Download The files via the given links:
Bin :-
Git For Windows:-
And git clone the project from above.
- Move the bin.rar contents to the bin folder
- Move the git-for-windows.rar contents to the vendor folder
- run the main brute-Framework.exe file to verify.
- NOTE - the files root must be in the
Name | Description | Link |
PassInfo | Sketch Project for brute-framework | |
Brute-framework V-1 | First Completed Project | |
The current update I am working on is the package installer or the
file I am trying to make it more like a package installer.
Currently it uses the updated file from another repo of mine to update but I want to eliminate that need.
By the way if you know any cool tool that is compatible with windows add that in the installer file it will rise the tools the users like yourself and others can use making it even better.
For support regarding the tool contact me via email my email