An easy-to-use arduino library for creating an HTML webserver on your esp8266 that accepts OTA (Over the Air) code uploads and also provides a framework for publishing sensor data to Home Assistant over MQTT. Wifi and MQTT credentials are stored in SPIFFs, and when first run a Wifi Access Point (AP) is created so you can easily connect to the device and do the initial configuration without having to hard-code credentials anywhere.
Clone this repo into your arduino/libraries folder.
To find the basepath of arduino on your PC, open the Arduino IDE and click File -> Preferences:
From the example screenshot above, once the repo is cloned there should now be a folder C:\Users\morty\Documents\github\arduino\libraries\espWebServerOTAMqtt
That's it! You're ready to use the library!
Now create a blank project in your Arduino IDE. Using the library is as simple as:
#include <espWebServerOTAMqtt.h>
MyCommon client("espConservatory1");
void setup() {
void loop() {
Uploading this simple sketch to a esp8266 device will put it into Wifi AP mode and broadcast its own SSID, which will be in the format mortylabs_<devicemacaddr>
Connect to the AP and navigate to where you can enter WiFi and MQTT credentials on the setup tab
To add your own html body to the main page (i.e. maybe you want to display some live sensor data), simply call the function client.set_main_page_html_body (string_goes_here);
For a fully working exammple of a BMP280 baromoter and temperature sensor and capacitive soil moisture sensor publishing data to MQTT for Home Assistant auto-discovery, and displaying the sensor data in a html table on the device itself, see
- add method to allow a custom bitmap logo to displayed at the top of each html page