These files make up the front end of our "online score" system. Under development ... i don't think you want to use it right now.
For further information please contact florian-at-motionbank-org
Running this locally
The front end is a single page application based on Chaplin.js and Backbone.js. It requires a back end that serves the actual content through an API:
Frst git clone
or download and unzip this project.
Copy and rename config.sample.js
to config.js
(in app-base/config/
). Set values for the back end as needed.
Install Node.js, we are running v0.8.2 locally.
Install Brunch:
$ npm install -g brunch
Now fetch the needed modules and libraries, run these from inside this directory:
$ npm install
$ bower install
Run brunch:
$ brunch w --server
#$ brunch w # or skip the --server option if you have your own
Now point your browser to http://localhost:3331/
Deploy it
Run brunch once: brunch b
and then upload the contents of public/
to your server.
Extending the base
The base of the system lives in app-base
, you can extend anything in there by creating another directory called app-extend
next to it. Place any HTML / CSS / JS code in there using the same structure as in app-base
. Once brunch is run the contents will be compiled along.
See an example extension package here
We are:
Gefördert mit Mitteln der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, des Hessischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst, des Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain und Frau Susanne Klatten.